F!Sole Discovers Working Submarine and Explores the Ocean

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Cait - Is terrified of the whole experience and honestly hates every minute of it. Something about the idea of being deep underwater in an ocean full of things that were never pretty even before the war and having no chance to escape if things go wrong puts her on edge.

Piper - Is at first extremely cautious and makes absolute sure that F!Sole knows what she's doing with this. Once F!Sole assures her, she's completely on board, and she eagerly takes notes about the entire experience, absolutely thrilled about all of the article ideas percolating in her mind.

Curie - Is absolutely thrilled about the chance to see the Commonwealth's underwater wildlife. The possibilities of studying all the different mutations thrills and excites her, and she gets into the submarine without a second thought. When they get underwater, her pen hardly stops moving as she writes all about the creatures.

MacCready - Is honestly sort of terrified at first, but after a little while of being underwater, he finally loosens up and realizes how cool it is. By the time they're coming back up, he wants to go on another trip under just to get a better look at everything.

Deacon - Likes the idea of it, but as soon as they're going under, he gets terribly claustrophobic and they have to cut their trip short because he cannot stand the whole thing. When he's out, he tries to laugh it off, but he definitely will not be going underwater anymore.

Codsworth - Is thrilled with the fact that she is sharing something like this with him, but he is really nervous about the idea of the water somehow getting inside the submarine. However, if she deems it is safe, he trusts her completely.

Hancock - Thinks the whole thing is really awesome, and does not really let the possibility of drowning get to him. After all, you only live once, and he knows this is the chance of a lifetime. He is really amazed by the whole experience, and he actually makes sure that not a single bit of chems is within him so he can enjoy it to the fullest.

Danse - Is intensely scared of the water, so when they get under, he is as stiff as a board and terrified the submarine is going to sink. He is constantly asking her if she's sure she checked everything and if it definitely is not going to sink, and no matter how many times she reassures him about it, he's still nervous.

Preston - Does not like the entire idea, but goes along with it. However, this is not before pleading with her to not do it at all. But when he's down below, he is amazed by the beauty he sees. Even though he enjoys the trip, he does not particularly want to repeat it.

Valentine - Is not particularly thrilled with the idea of going so deep underwater, but when he makes sure that she double-checks it once more, he is mostly okay with it. He thinks the whole experience is pretty interesting, and he makes several comments about the animals and fish they see.

X6-88 - Remains perfectly stoic but is secretly freaking out. He hates it, and he is terrified that they will not be able to escape if something goes wrong. He is as still as can be, but after around fifteen minutes, he asks her if they are through looking around and if they are ready to go back to the surface.

Dogmeat - Is pretty chill about the whole thing. F!Sole is there, and she is calm, so he knows there is nothing to fear. She gives him lots of pats along the way, too, so he is perfectly happy to keep going on this trip forever.

Strong - Is terrified and freaks out as soon as the thing starts moving under the water. She has to pull the submarine back up to the surface before he wrecks the vehicle in the middle of his pure, unadulterated panic.

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