F!Sole's Water Broke and She Calmly Wakes Them Up

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Cait - "Are you serious? Right now? Go get in the bed and I'll try to find help! Wait, what?! I can't birth a baby, have you lost your mind?! I'm getting somebody for this dirty work!"

Piper - "Blue... Couldn't this have waited until it was like... I dunno... Maybe not three o'clock in the morning? I know you're having the baby. That's why you're running around looking like you ate a Brahmin whole... Wait... You're having the baby? Now? Yikes... Maybe you could go back to bed and wait for the urge to pass? Maybe cross your legs really hard and think about something else? Heh, heh.... Alright, just.... I don't know, what do they tell pregnant women?! Just... Breathe or something, okay?!"

Curie - "You are having the baby now? Do not worry, Madame! During my time in the laboratory, I filled my database with some basic knowledge about delivering a baby, and you first have to... Hmm... I seem to have suddenly forgot everything I know... And I am breathing rather hard and my heartbeat has accelerated! Madame, what do I do?!!!!!"

MacCready - "Stop poking me.... What's the big idea? You're-- It's coming?! Crap, I can't do this again... Why don't we both just close our eyes and hold hands and you can push and I can try not to freak out? Sound like a plan?"

Deacon - "Hey, what's up?? What the-- woah, okay, then, boss. Quick question, can you put like a cork in it or something so it'll wait until morning--- okay, okay!!! Just give me a sec to pull myself together and grab some water, and we'll hatch this little dude right in this bucket over here!"

Codsworth - "Oh, Mum, the baby is coming now! Goodness gracious, what do I do?! I should go get help, shouldn't I?! But I can't leave you here alone! What do I do, what do I do?!!! MUM, DON'T PANIC, EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!"

Hancock - "What're you doing up at this hour? And why're you waking me up at this hour? You're having it right this very second? Sheesh, you have some real timing, sister. Alright, hold onto the pillow, push, and I'll try to catch it when it falls out of the hole."

Danse - "What's the situation?! You're... Oh... Oh... Oh, boy... I don't think this is... Well, I don't think I should... What would you advise for me to do? I could go guard the perimeter while you, um... do your thing..."

Preston - "What's going on, General? The baby?! Okay, is there anything you need? Can I get you some water, snack, something to squeeze? Whatever it is, I can get it!!!"

Valentine - "Don't worry, I know a little bit about this... Granted, my experience is that I helped a Brahmin have a calf once and I had help.... But don't worry, I'll do the best I can. Bite down on this stick, alright?"

X6-88 - "Is this disturbance a matter pertaining to life or death? Oh... Umm... Ma'am, I think it is best that we teleport to the Institute as soon as possible to search for qualified medical assistance. I am not equipped with the proper... expertise required for this field."

Dogmeat - Knows something is off when she wakes him up, clutching at her stomach. He smells that something is strange and he knows she needs help. So he gives her stomach a worried sniff and licks her hand, caught between wanting to find help and sticking by to protect her. When she starts to writhe about and breathe hard and erratically, he takes off to go find help. When he brings back someone, he just lays nearby her and watches carefully.

Strong - "WHAT?! WHY YOU WAKE STRONG UP??? What is wrong with tiny human?! What do you mean you having baby?! Your stomach hurts?! Oh... You must have poop. Go behind tree. No tell Strong about having to poop. Puny humans so nasty..."

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