F!Sole Finds Rat, Thinks It's Adorable, and Makes It Her Pet

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Cait - "I think ye've lost yer mind. That thing is the exact opposite of cute!"

Piper - "Blue, you are absolutely insane... But as long as you don't let it get near me, I guess we're good..."

Curie - "Awww!!! It is quite adorable, isn't it? It reminds me of my darlings from Vault 81!"

MacCready - "O-okay, well, just keep him over there with you, alright? He's a perfectly good rat when he's away from me."

Deacon - "Ooh... Can we name him Mr. Jingles and teach him tricks? That would be so awesome..."

Codsworth - "Well, Mum... I suppose I have heard of pet rats before. I guess I'll go find a cage for him!"

Hancock - "Aww, he's pretty cute, isn't he? You think you could get him to perch on your shoulder? Or do you think he'd bite your ear?"

Danse - "What an unorthodox pet... I personally prefer dogs myself, but I guess a rodent could be acceptable as a pet. Just make sure that it does not come into contact with other rats. You could end up with way more pets than you bargained for."

Preston - "What a cute little guy... But seriously, you should probably wash your hands after you're through petting him. Rats aren't exactly the cleanest creatures in the world."

Valentine - "Y'know, when ol' Nick was a kid, he had a rat as a pet. I think he called him Squeaks, if his memory serves."

X6-88 - "I'm not sure if I entirely approve of having a rat as a pet. However, I suppose that it is none of my concern. Just ensure that you wash your hands after handling it."

Dogmeat - Growls and does not know if he likes this new pet. Rats are meant to be caught, killed, and then showed to a human to demonstrate just how good he is at hunting and how he has saved everyone from the nasty vermin. But he leaves the creature alone since she gets so upset when he feels tempted to try to kill it.

Strong - "Teeny tiny rat not good. Try to steal food from tiny human and Strong. Rats should be killed before they take food..."

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