F!Sole is the Terror of Raiders Everywhere

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Cait - Always has absolutely loved the way that F!Sole invoked pure pants-wetting fear into raiders. Cait was glad to be a part of the team that destroyed them, and she particularly loved the sense of power that it gave her to be friends with the one person that every raider in the Commonwealth is terrified of. In fact, it was one of the things that made such a huge impression on her when she first met F!Sole in the Combat Zone. The way F!Sole ploughed through the raiders like they were nothing and the way they helplessly scrambled out of their seats to find cover was intriguing and absolutely incredible to Cait.

Piper - Thinks that it is absolutely hilarious how they all scatter and she loves her best friend even more for her apparently terrifying reputation. The raiders are normally so ruthless and inhuman and some darker part of her rejoices a little when she sees them scattering and almost falling on their faces in their haste to hide. And the way they shake when they're reloading their guns is somehow satisfactory as well. She would normally never feel this way, but since she knows how cruel the raiders are to so many innocent people, she is significantly less compassionate toward them.

Curie - Does not exactly understand why they are all so afraid of F!Sole. After all, Curie knows how gentle and kind that F!Sole is to Curie herself and the rest of the group. Why do the raiders fear her so much? However, when F!Sole erupts into battle with them, and they all seem to scatter as she goes blasting at every last one, Curie starts to see exactly why they're so scared. She wishes that F!Sole would not be so violent toward them, but she must admit that she does feel quite a bit safer with all of the raiders being so afraid of F!Sole.

MacCready - Is absolutely impressed beyond belief when he sees it. He has never seen raiders fear anything at all, and the fact that they are scared of F!Sole says quite a bit for her reputation in battle and in the Commonwealth. The first time that he witnesses it, he is just staring as she wipes out the majority of them quickly. She actually has to call out to him to get him to actually help. From then on, he feels like an invincible superhero when the two of them are out and about together.

Deacon - Is not particularly big on head-on combat situations, but he definitely enjoys the increased advantage that they have when F!Sole steps out from behind a wall and gets the raiders' attention. They immediately go scattering and trying to get good cover as they hide from her. He definitely thinks that she is quite the double-sided coin-- a good silent agent but also a great Railroad heavy. 

Codsworth - Thinks that it is rather unfortunate that F!Sole has to be so vicious toward them. But he understands that these evil-doers must be wiped out. Therefore, he admires F!Sole greatly for doing such an excellent job of taking care of them, and he believes that it serves them right. If they insist on being so horrible to everyone, they deserve to be terrified.

Hancock - Feels absolutely invincible and completely untouchable. He loves the feeling it gives him, and he loves to travel with her even more now that he gets to watch raiders trip over themselves to get away from her. Best of all, if there are raiders that come onto his turf and start getting a little too cocky, all he has to do is drop her name, and they immediately start behaving like model citizens.

Danse - Cannot believe it. He has never seen anyone command any sort of fear from raiders, but he is very proud when he sees that she has earned such a reputation for herself. He thinks that she represents the Brotherhood well with the way that she garners such a response from those unsavory hooligans. Bonus points if she yells Ad Victoriam as she's fighting them. He might swoon just a little on the inside.

Preston - Is completely stunned, and thinks it's quite incredible. To him, it's just another reason that she is the most highly qualified general that he has ever witnessed. He loves that settlements that loudly and proudly side with the Minutemen have very few problems with the pesky group.

Valentine - Wonders how in the world that she managed to get all of the raiders to be so scared of her. She is just one person, after all. But when he sees her in action, he is rendered speechless for a moment and he can't quite stop watching. However, he quickly kicks himself back into action. He is really quite pleased that she is able to scare the raiders so much and he knows they deserve every bit of terror that they feel.

X6-88 - Actually smiles when he first witnesses it. Which is somehow even more terrifying than F!Sole's reputation as a raider-killer. The two of them at that point are enough to cause any raider to have to search for a second pair of pants. Well, presuming that they survive the encounter.

Dogmeat - Is pleased that they seem to be wary of his mistress. No one messes with his person, and he is happy for the extra defense that their terror provides F!Sole. He even adds in a few threatening barks and menacing growls to add to their fear.  

Strong - Just laughs and laughs as they plough through all of them, the raiders screaming and running and trying to take cover as the leader yelps commands to the lower rank ones. He loves how they fear him and F!Sole, and it makes him very happy to just bask in how strong and terror-inspiring that they are together. 

A/N: Hey, guys, if y'all are interested in some Fallout fanfics, I've got a new book called Fallout 4 Oneshots! If you guys want, please do go check that out and feel free to let me know what you thought! 💙💛

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