F!Sole Taking Care of Them When Hurt

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Cait - Is shocked as can be, and just lets F!Sole take care of her. She has never really had anyone that cared if she was hurt or anything, so this is really new to her and sort of even nice. She does not particularly care for being babied, but as long as F!Sole lets her have her space occasionally, she eats up the attention like she will never get any ever again.

Piper - Honestly sort of likes the attention. She is not particularly happy when F!Sole keeps her from getting up and walking around at all, but F!Sole will allow her to write as long as it's just on her notepad and she stays in bed the whole time. Piper is eventually a little annoyed by the whole thing, but she understands that F!Sole just wants the best for her, so she doesn't say anything.

Curie - Does not like being injured since it scares her so much, but it makes her feel so secure and safe when F!Sole takes care of her. However, she is constantly telling F!Sole to make sure the wound is clean so they can avoid infection. That is one of Curie's deepest fears. She personally loves for F!Sole to fuss over her constantly since it just makes her feel much better about the whole thing.

MacCready - Is grumpy as can be. He does not appreciate being hovered over, and he wishes she'd leave him alone. He is okay with her changing his bandages and helping him with that sort of thing, but this keeping him in the bed is going to kill him. He just wishes his body would heal faster.

Deacon - Is not particularly keen on F!Sole fussing over him, and he frequently insists that he's fine and makes jokes about it in an attempt to distract her from the fact that he is trying to sneakily get up and move around despite the fact that she gets so upset when he does that. He appreciates that she cares but he wishes she'd let him have some independence.

Codsworth - Is very happy and feels very loved when she fusses over him. She is always worrying whenever one of his appendages is broken and he appreciates her fixing it for him. He adores the amount of care in her eyes even after she has repaired it, and he humors her when she asks him to stay in place or be very careful when moving the appendage for a little while. It is so nice to be cared for.

Hancock - Is a total drama queen, and loves the attention. He has no problem just lounging in bed and letting her fuss over him. It makes him feel quite special, and he absolutely adores the feeling. He will pretty much be very cooperative with her. However, when she restricts his chem intake, he is not very happy. But he guesses that as long as she is giving him so much attention, some sacrifices can be made.

Danse - Is very unhappy with being bed-ridden. But every time that she starts tending to his wounds and fussing over him, he feels himself soften. It shocks him that she cares so much even though it makes him a little uncomfortable. She allows him to do some work on his power armor helmet as long as he stays in bed. She brings him whatever tools he needs, and he is mostly okay with the arrangement.

Preston - Hates feeling like he cannot help anyone. He really hates being such a bother to her, too, but he is very pleasantly surprised when she actually seems to like caring for him. He is uncomfortable with her constant attentions, but nevertheless appreciative. He is just looking forward to being able to get back to work soon.

Valentine - Does not exactly get sick, but she will fuss over him quite a bit if he breaks one of his parts. She will quickly go to anywhere that Gen 2 synths have been found, and she will wipe them out swiftly before bringing parts back to put Nick back together. He is honestly grateful for how kind she is and how she lovingly hovers. However, when she keeps it up even after she has fixed him, he is not overly keen on it, but he tolerates it, knowing she means well.

X6-88 - Is not particularly keen on her worrying about him so much and pestering him constantly. After all, he can take care of his injuries on his own. But he does secretly appreciate how much she cares. Of course, he would never admit this, and he ultimately just continues telling her that he does not need help caring for his wounds.

Dogmeat - Very much loves the attention. He does not like being hurt, but when she fusses over him so much and gives him so many pets and kisses, he is just as happy as can be. Despite the fact that the injury is painful, he just loves all of the attention and affection he receives and it is well-worth the pain.

Strong - Does not like it one bit. He does not really want her touching him so much and helping him with his wounds. Super-mutants are supposed to be strong and tough it out. The wounds will just turn to scars and scars show how strong super-mutants are. However, he does notice how quickly it heals when she tends to it. Therefore, from then on, he is showing her even the smallest of injuries in an attempt to get her to fix it quickly.

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