F!Sole Separates from Them for 24 Hrs and Turns Area into Fortress Overnight

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Cait - "Listen, lass, I'm not the settlin' down in one place type of girl, but if we have to stop and catch our breath, I'm letting you set up camp'."

Piper - "Wow, Blue.... I'm... I'm actually speechless... And even I'll admit that's a rare occurrence..."

Curie - "Ooh!!! What a magnificent magic trick, Madame!"

MacCready - "Dang, boss... This is even better than Diamond City and Bunker Hill's defenses all put together!"

Deacon - "Okay... I like your funny ways, magic woman."

Codsworth - "Incredible, Mum! You've really outdone yourself this time!"

Hancock - "You think you could throw something like this together at Goodneighbor? It'd really do folks good to know they were safe from all the crap outside the town."

Danse - "Perhaps you should make a request for a position in procuring defenses and working in the armory for the Brotherhood. Your expertise could certainly prove to be very useful."

Preston - "General, if you could do this at the Castle, it would help the Minutemen so much! No raiders would even consider attacking the place by the time you were through with it."

Valentine - "That's... incredible. Fort Knox has certainly got nothing on you, kid."

X6-88 - "How in the world did you do that? That is enough work to occupy an entire group of men for days..."

Strong - "Strong not trust this... Yesterday it look like dump and today it look like city? Makes no sense!"

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