F!Sole Asking Them to Pretend to Be Her Boyfriend So She Can Avoid Creeps

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MacCready - Is really awkward about it, but he agrees. He is very hesitantly touching her, and when she tells him that he has to truly sell it, he steps it up a notch and carefully wraps an arm around her shoulders. If they are getting suspicious glances, they make sure to make loud conversation about this only being their third date but how they are totally into each other.

Deacon - Loves the idea, and immediately goes for it. He has no problem pretending, and this is just another undercover op for him. He becomes a real ham about it, calling her all sorts of weird pet names like "googly-bear" and "schmoopsie-pooh." By the time he's through, it's all she can do not to laugh at him and his sheer ridiculousness. They both have way too much fun with the whole thing.

Hancock - Has no issue whatsoever with it, and perfectly plays the protective and slightly possessive boyfriend. He throws an arm around her whenever a creep even looks her way. He might even throw in a platonic kiss on the cheek just so they buy it and take it as a romantic one. If they persist, he is sure to narrow his eyes and try to channel a little of his inner feral as he threatens them wordlessly. His ruthless reputation alone leaves most of them shaking in their boots, and they usually leave him and his "girlfriend" alone. 

Danse - Is very hesitant and he is immediately worried about overstepping some sort of boundaries, but he eventually agrees. But when he actually has to act like they're a couple, he has a really hard time. He is flushing like crazy when he has to wrap an arm around her waist and he is terrified that he is going to do something wrong or accidentally touch her somewhere he shouldn't. He has large hands, after all, and they might bump into dangerous territory.

Preston - Goes with it, but is sort of nervous. He calls her "babe" a lot and tries to make sure it's said sort of loud so others can hear. He also whispers to her about different events with the Minutemen, talking quietly so no one can hear him but her, and she fakes a few laughs in an attempt to convince people to think that he is whispering other things in her ear.

Valentine - Agrees easily enough. He politely puts an arm around her shoulders and calls her "doll," but other than that, he does not impose too much upon her. She actually has to take some initiative herself and snuggle closer to him, tucking her head under his chin. It is all he can do not to chuckle a little as she gushes about her gentlemanly boyfriend to anyone nearby who will listen. 

X6-88 - Does not want to do it at all. He is not comfortable with pretending to be in a relationship with her. However, he does not want anyone messing with her, and he instead resolves to threaten people if they get close to her. He withdraws his gun without a single bit of hesitation and he informs the person that if they do not leave quickly, they will receive a laser hole through their chest. They always seem to take him very seriously.

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