F!Sole Has Maned Wolf Pup that Grows Up to be Pretty, Loyal, and Clever

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Cait - Is moderately fond of her when she is a pup. She tries her best to keep her out of harm's way due to the fact that her curiosity is always getting her into trouble. She tries to act less fond of the pup than she actually is. As she grows older, Cait has mixed feelings about her. Mostly because she has the worst habit ever of coming up to the side of Cait's bed in the middle of the night and just staring at her until she wakes up and jumps out of her skin. And the worst part is that the thing actually seems to get enjoyment out of her sudden fear.

Piper - Is in love with her at first sight. When she is a pup, Piper is always playing with her, giving her affectionate scratches behind her giant ears that are way too big for her tiny body. She also loves to give her little treats here and there, despite the fact that F!Sole always tells her that human food is not meant for the pup. When she grows up, Piper still pretty much treats her the same way. Except now she has to try to keep her treats out of the creature's reach which is always a serious feat considering the animal's ridiculously long legs. 

Curie - Absolutely adores her as a puppy. She tries to study her and take notes on her, but she is so playful that she oftentimes knocks her clipboard out of her hands as she tries to get Curie to play with her. Curie always gives in, giggling like crazy as she cuddles the cutie. When she grows older, Curie often comments on how beautiful she is and how smart she is. Now, she just grabs her clipboard in between her teeth and carries it around while Curie has to chase her around Sanctuary. 

MacCready - Thinks she is the cutest thing as a pup. He is always calling her over as soon as he sees her and giving her tons of pets. He might even run around with her a little, letting her chase him. When she grows into a beautiful adult, he admires her beauty, but he has a serious issue with her sneaking up on him at night. One time, he legitimately though that she was some sort of shapeshifting wendigo because of her crazy long legs and the way her eyes look too intelligent to just be that of an animal's.

Deacon - Is pretty fond of her. He usually tries not to be seen with her in public, mostly because she stands out so much, but he does make time to give her plenty of pets when it's just around F!Sole's group. When she grows up, he finds her to be gorgeous but also extremely hilarious. He gets a huge kick out of how she sometimes sneaks up and scares people and how she steals things she shouldn't. She is literally the best prank buddy ever.

Codsworth - Treats her like an actual baby, and loves her to pieces. He oftentimes is offering to feed her and he sometimes even tries to give her a bath even though she absolutely hates getting one. When she grows up, he continues to care for her like this, and he will sometimes even wave a pincer at her and scold her when she gets into things that she should not. However, he does not stay mad for long since he loves her so much.

Hancock - Is really fond of her when she's a pup, and he tries to keep watch over her and ensure that nothing happens to her. Fortunately, since both him and Cait are focused on this goal, they usually succeed in keeping her safe. He is always offering her a pet when she comes by him, and he always talks about her with a warmth in his voice. When she grows to be an adult, he is always admiring her beauty, and he gets a good laugh out of her clever antics. She is just a great source of happiness for him.

Danse - Is absolutely in love with her as a pup. He gives her a ton of love all the time, having no problem with just hoisting her up and holding her for a while. When she grows up, he still loves her, and he is always giving her plenty of pets. Sometimes, when no one is looking, he still tries to pick her up and hold her. Perhaps the thing he most appreciates about her as she has grown up, however, is how she is so loyal. She is always protecting him but especially F!Sole. She almost never takes her eyes off of F!Sole and she loves her more than anything, which makes Danse very happy to see.

Preston - Utterly adores her. He likes to make reports to the Minutemen about how she's doing and what she has done, and it has become a great morale booster. She is always into something, even when she grows up. As an adult, her mischievous tendencies only grow, and he loves to report also how her intense loyalty to the General helps in crucial Minutemen operations.

Valentine - Is really fond of her. He always loves to see her playing and running around, her goofiness taking precedence as she acts silly. It just warms him to the core, and he always offers her plenty of pets when he (or she and F!Sole) come to visit. When she grows older, he just loves to watch her, her grace and gorgeousness a true marvel. He also really likes how she protects F!Sole and makes sure that nothing happens to her. It is one of his favorite qualities about her.

X6-88 - Does not particularly feel one way or the other about her. However, he does resolve to protect her always because of F!Sole's fondness for the pup. When she grows up, he cannot help but be impressed by her beauty. However, he is extremely aggravated by her intelligence, and she always ends up hiding something of his that is important to him which annoys him greatly.

Dogmeat - Absolutely is happy as can be to have such a wonderful playmate. As a puppy, she loves to play with him and they play chase quite a bit. He also teaches her as much about being a dog as he can, even if she does not always do it perfectly. When she is an adult, she can play even better, and they play-fight and have even better games of chase. There is the issue of him being a bit jealous when F!Sole spends time with her, but as long as he gets plenty of attention, he is mostly okay with sharing F!Sole with her. 

Strong - Thinks she is a scrawny pup, but understands that she is a pet and not food. He tries to make sure nothing happens to her in his own strange way, and he has a bad habit of throwing her raw meat, thinking that he is helping to feed her. Of course, Codsworth has a fit every time he does this, fussing like crazy the entire time. When she grows up, Strong likes her fighting spirit and how she outsmarts enemies in battle. But he does wish that she would take a more straightforward approach oftentimes.

Maxson - Likes her well enough. He does not really think that wild animals should be pets, but he accepts it since F!Sole is so adamantly in love with her. When she grows up, even he cannot help but be stunned by her beauty sometimes, and he likes how she is so loyal to F!Sole and makes sure that absolutely no one touches her in battle. He thinks that is a greatly admirable quality, especially considering that she is part of a species that does not traditionally function as pets.

Sturges - Thinks she is just the cutest thing. He loves to play with her when he gets time, and she often just lies nearby him when he's working, sometimes running over and trying to jump on his head as she attempts to get him to play. When she grows older, he utilizes her cleverness and ability to swipe things so well in order to get her to bring him tools that he needs. It gives her a job, and it helps him. It's a match made in heaven.

Glory - Thinks that she is adorable as a pup, but is particularly excited to see her in her adult form. She cannot think of anything cooler than having such a gorgeous creature that is on her and F!Sole's side, and when the pup grows up, Glory is most certainly not disappointed. She is actually especially in love with her when she grows up. She loves the whole package--- the creature's loyalty, beauty, and intelligence. Glory just loves being able to march around with her and look like the most awesome team in the Commonwealth.

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