F!Sole Saying Random Things, Hoping that Her Husband Will Respond

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Cait - Thinks that calling people a "soiled onion ring" is the dumbest thing that she has ever heard. She has no idea why F!Sole is saying such bizarre things so unexpectedly. But when she finds out that F!Sole's husband said these things and she's hoping for a response, she is completely bewildered and somewhat embarrassed by her personal thoughts. She is just thankful that she never said anything about her feelings before. She ends up shouting strange insults herself in an attempt to make F!Sole smile at least a little. Granted, Cait calling people a "smelly omelet" is a little odd, but she's got the spirit.

Piper - Honestly is not quite sure what to think when F!Sole starts battle and immediately says that she's going to "steam those waffles." But Piper goes with it. After all, her Blue seems to be pretty enthusiastic about it, so that's good enough for her. However, when she figures out that F!Sole's husband used to say those things to cheer her up, Piper suddenly realizes just how important these saying are. Therefore, next time that they start a battle, before F!Sole can say anything at all, Piper yells at the top of her lungs, "Time to bake the biscuits!!!" This, of course, earns a giant grin from F!Sole. Her husband may never be there to respond, but Piper's definitely going to reply whenever she can.

Curie - Thinks it is extremely odd, and she finds the behavior to be stranger than any that she has ever observed. She does not question it, and overall just goes with it. She actually even takes up some of F!Sole's insults since they are so vanilla and free of any cussing. When F!Sole finally ends up telling her that her husband did this to cheer F!Sole up and make her happy and F!Sole has been hoping for him to respond, Curie is quite surprised and she apologizes, asking if she should not have responded to it herself. F!Sole assures her that it is fine and she knows he's not coming back. She also assures her that she loves for Curie to do it since it gives her some comradery and helps her cope with his loss. Therefore, after that, Curie tears out with a new vigor about the entire ordeal, and even thinks of a few new insults that F!Sole uses. After all, calling raiders "a sour batch of unpasteurized milk" is just too good to pass up.

MacCready - Thinks it is weird at first, but he does see the merit in it. It helps him keep from saying worse words that he promised Duncan he wouldn't say. So he clings onto her tradition and uses it himself whether she prompts the entire thing or not. But when she tells him that her husband did it and she hoped for a response from him, MacCready clams up and is scared to say the stuff anymore for fear that he's intruding on something that is special between F!Sole and her husband. However, she soon tells him that she wants him to keep going with it since they are keeping a piece of her husband alive with their use of it. So he just says "okey-dokey, steaming artichokey" and rolls with it.

Deacon - Is one hundred percent on board with it. He thinks it is absolutely awesome to call people "Vegan Meat" and he is thinking of even more insults and battle cries every chance that he gets. When she finally says that this was a way her husband made her feel better about things and that she is saying it with the hope of her husband's reply, he feels quite awkward. But he quickly recovers and tells her to "cheer up, little housefly." The comment makes her happier, and she finds it quite entertaining when he thinks of stuff like that on his own. They soon become a dynamic duo in spurting random word combos and driving Glory and anyone else around crazy with them. They especially love to confuse P.A.M. and Desdemona has repeatedly told them to leave her alone or they're going to be finding a new replacement P.A.M. all by themselves.

Codsworth - Immediately recognizes what she's doing. He remembers how sir used to say these sorts of things to her just to earn a smile from her. When she admits that she is saying them in hopes of garnering a response from the man, Codsworth feels quite terrible for her. He thinks hard for a moment, and he soon tells her, "Cheer up, my dear mozzarella mistress." He doesn't know much about what he's doing with the nicknames, but it makes her laugh a little, so he considers it a win. He will now proceed to say these sorts of things when she is sad in an attempt to at least bring a remnant of the comfort of sir back to her.

Hancock - Just raises an eyebrow and mentally wonders why she doesn't just cuss out her enemies. He's pretty sure that they're not going to take her seriously if she keeps calling them things like "Moldy Burrito." Soon enough, he figures out that her husband said those things to make her laugh and that she wants her husband to reply. Therefore, he resolves to defend her if anyone dares to make fun of her for her odd words.

Danse - At first thinks that she has been exposed to way too much radiation. He soon asks her if she is alright and if she needs to sit down for a little while. She responds, explaining that she's fine and she was just hoping her husband would respond since he used to say stuff like that to make her feel better. He is immediately completely at a loss as to what to do, so he just holds her in his arms. He resolves to try to reply to her so that she does not spend all of her time waiting on a response from someone that will never give one. While "greasy suit of power armor" and "dusty, musty uniform" is not too insulting, he does the best he can, and F!Sole appreciates his attempts. He almost never says them, but when he notices that she's having a bad day, he pulls them out.

Preston - Just sort of laughs it off at first. It is a little weird but he gives her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe that was something normal from her time. But when she explains the true meaning behind it and says she is hoping for her husband to reply, he is baffled. He before long starts to try to think of something to say that relates to her strange little words. He ends up placing an arm around her and calls her a "kind potato crisp." It is a pretty bad use of the words, but F!Sole appreciates the thought behind it.

Valentine - Thinks its adorable even if it is a little odd, so he just lets it go and lets her do as she wants and continue calling people strange names. However, when she informs him that she is doing it and hopes that her husband will respond to her, he offers her a big hug and they have a long talk about things and what her and her husband used to do together. When they've finished their talk, he tells her "Chin up, green pea."

X6-88 - Thinks that she needs some sort of psychiatric help or a good long nap when he first hears her call someone a "half-baked potato." She quickly assures him that she is alright and that her husband used to say this sort of thing to cheer her up and she hopes he'll reply one day. At that point he just stares at her as if she has lost her mind for sure. However, after a very, very long moment and after ensuring no one except her is around, he finally says, "Do not be depressed, frozen TV dinner." 

Dogmeat - Likes how full of gusto she is when she shouts, so he barks along to emphasize her words. However, he does notice how she is quiet for a moment afterward and quickly seems very disappointed when she hears silence. So he whimpers a little and licks her hand, pressing his nose to her palm. He does his best to make her feel happier in these times of sadness.

Strong - Is even more confused than usual and he cannot even be angry because he is so bumfuzzled. He often wonders what exactly is an "Unwise Breakfast." When she explains that she hopes for her husband to answer her when she says these strange things, he grows irritated and tells her that he's dead and when human or super-mutant is dead, then they don't say anything at all.

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