Super-Mutant F!Sole That Has No Idea She is a Super-Mutant

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Cait - Assuming the topic was not breached when they first met, she just leaves it be mostly. Cait feels bad for F!Sole since she does not know the truth about herself, but Cait does find that it greatly assists the two in battle. So Cait can't complain too much.

Piper - Feels absolutely awful for F!Sole when she realizes the woman does not know the truth about who she is. She strongly debates whether she should tell her or not, but if F!Sole exposes any dislike or fear of Super-Mutants around them, Piper guesses that she'll just let F!Sole stay in her happy little world.

Curie - As soon as she meets F!Sole, she is talking about what an interesting specimen she is and asks if she can run tests. However, after a while, she finally realizes that F!Sole truly is clueless about her identity. Curie decides that it would likely be more harmful to tell her the truth than to just let her think what she wants, so Curie does not talk about it.

MacCready - Is terrified when he first sees her, and he immediately starts reaching for his gun. However, when she starts talking to him as if she is a perfectly functioning human being, he gives her a chance, and he is not disappointed. When he realizes she has no idea of who she is truly, he keeps his knowledge to himself.

Deacon - Does not judge. He sees how much good she does and what a wonderful person she is regardless of the unconventional package she comes in. Therefore, he just lets her think that she is whatever she wants to think she is.

Codsworth - Is shocked upon seeing her, and when she explains who she is to him, he is sniveling and terribly upset. After some time, he finally cannot withhold the truth from her and he finally breaks the news to her.

Hancock - Is most certainly shocked at the sight of her, but he just lets it go. Anyone who goes with his principles and plays nice in Goodneighbor is perfectly welcome. Even if it is a huge super-mutant that doesn't know she's a super-mutant.

Danse - Is disgusted by her immediately. However, he does wonder why she bothered trying to help him and his soldiers. As a result, he keeps them from shooting and he privately interrogates her. He soon realizes that she has no idea what she is. After some debate, he tells her the truth about herself.

Preston - Freaks out when he sees her, but when he realizes she is shooting the raiders around and protecting him as well as the rest of his group, he moves past the fact that she is a super-mutant. He never references it, assuming she knows it. However, when he finds out she does not, he still does not mention it. Some things are best left alone.

Valentine - Is very surprised at her, but when she finds him in the vault in that room, he is well beyond being picky about his savior. He quickly comes to the understanding that she has no idea she is tall, green, and gruesome, so he just keeps that tidbit to himself. No reason to hurt her or upset her needlessly when it is something about herself that is likely unchangeable.

X6-88 - Immediately starts trying to shoot her when she approaches him. She soon starts shouting, trying to explain that they are supposed to do a mission together. He quickly stops in his fire, realizing his mistake, and he apologizes. In the process of explaining himself, he tells her the truth about her identity.

Dogmeat - Does not care what form she is in or what she looks like. She is loving, kind, and sweet to him, so that is all that matters to him. He will stick by her to the bitter end no matter what.

Maxson - Is disgusted and angry at the mere sight of her. He wonders how in the world F!Sole is intelligent and functioning in this ugly form, so he orders Knights and other soldiers to drag her off to Senior Scribe Neriah. She'll have a field day with the creature and it'll be out of his hair.

Sturges - Cannot believe that a super-mutant of all things saved him and the other people at Concord. But he is pretty accepting. When she does so much to help set up Sanctuary as an actual settlement, she is in his good books. However, he does feels pretty sorry for her when he realizes she has no idea that she's a super-mutant. He decides not to tell her.

Glory - Is very surprised, but she lets it go quickly. After all, if F!Sole wants to do good for synths and help the Railroad, it does not matter to Glory which form the woman comes in. She could be a radroach for all Glory cares. As long as she's on Glory's side, it's fine. When she realizes that she does not know what she is, Glory does not bother telling her. It makes no difference anyway.

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