Cait: Her Platonic Relationships with Companions

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Piper - Cait can't stand Piper. Every time the smug little reporter comes near Cait with that smirk on her face, Cait feels like giving her a good wallop in the nose. However, Piper always makes sure that F!Sole is between her and Cait before Piper starts sassing the redhead.

Curie - Cait likes Curie somewhat. Cait is sometimes annoyed by Curie's constant science discussion. However, she does feel protective of the poor girl since Curie is extremely clueless in concern to the ways of the world and she is one of the first people to jump to Curie's defense, only just behind F!Sole.

MacCready - Cait thinks he's annoying, but she largely doesn't mind him. She enjoys sharing a drink with him sometimes, and she admires his shooting techniques, but other than that, they're just acquaintances bordering on casual friends.

Deacon - Cait tolerates him. She thinks he can be somewhat irritating in all of his secrecy, and she thinks his obsession with sunglasses is laughable, but most of all, she hates his lying. However, she usually just ignores him when he talks to her, so it really doesn't bother her all that much.

Codsworth - Cait thinks he's odd, but she likes him well enough. His constant yapping irritates her sometimes, but she does like how he's willing to bring her a drink without comment. However, if she continues to drink heavily, he will say something to her, which she often finds herself grateful for in retrospect.

Hancock - Cait really likes him. She admires his carefree personality and she loves that he's cool with everything. She doesn't really like his drug problem, and she thinks that if he were human, he would surely die, but other than that, he's good in her book.

Danse - Cait thinks he's very good-looking but annoyingly arrogant. He's automatically a point of irritation for her simply because of his work with the Brotherhood of Steel in the past, but she feels more sympathy toward him now that he has been kicked out of the military organization.

Preston - Cait likes him well enough, but his constant do-gooderness bugs her sometimes. Unlike F!Sole, he doesn't have an inch of sarcasm or playfulness in him, and he's just sincere all the time. Not that F!Sole is not, but Cait would much rather F!Sole's occasional quips and playful teasing with a large mix of lovingness than Preston's constant honesty and kindness without any spice.

Valentine - Cait likes him. His wiseness truly reminds her of F!Sole, but unlike F!Sole being wise beyond her years, he is actually wise within his years. Of course, F!Sole is probably as old as he is, but she's very young in concern to the ways of this new world. But Cait ultimately admires the old synth, and finds him to be quite entertaining.

X6-88 - Cait immensely dislikes him. She'd sooner blow a giant hole in his head with her shotgun than she had look at him. She hates his monotone and his disgusting, Institute ways. She truly despises him.

Dogmeat - Cait is not particularly fond of the dog. She likes him alright, but he mostly irritates her because he has a real penchant for pooping in her shoes whenever he gets the opportunity. However, he doesn't seem to dislike her in return. It's more that he enjoys aggravating her.

Strong - Cait hates him. Cait thinks that he is disgusting and hideous and that F!Sole should just shoot him so that he is put out of Cait's misery. Not only is he gross, he's also insufferably proud of his state as a supermutant, and that drives her absolutely insane.

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