F!Sole Getting Way Too Into Nuka-Cola

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Cait - "All you do is drink that stuff and collect this junk! If I didn't know better, I'd think that you were dashing whiskey in that with the way you're guzzling it down and some sort of chems with the way it's obviously affected your good sense!"

Piper - "Gosh, Blue, I like a Nuka-Cola as much as the next gal, but, um... Don't you think this is a little much? You kind of look like Sheffield now that the doctor's told him he can't drink any more liquor. But I guess he didn't quite take it this far..."

Curie - "Madame, Nuka-Cola is not alcoholic, but its caffeine levels are indeed quite high, which can cause a dependency and can be harmful. It also seems to be affecting every aspect of your life... Perhaps you should try drinking a little less, oui?"

MacCready - "Y'know, you are seriously starting to creep me out. I mean... Nuka-Cola's not that good, and to collect stuff for it? That's... not normal."

Deacon - "Quite the memorabilia that you've pulled together. T-shirts, Nuka-Cola bottles, posters... The works. You could really sell it if you were going undercover as a Nuka-Cola fanatic."

Codsworth - "Wow, Mum! What a magnificent assembly of trinkets and collectibles! I'll make sure to keep them all well-dusted and polished!"

Hancock - "You do you, sister. I'm not here to judge. I've got my own unhealthy obsessions. Although, Nuka-Cola is an... unusual one to have."

Danse - "There is no problem with having hobbies, but I believe this has started to grow rather unhealthy. I think you need to reevaluate your priorities, soldier."

Preston - "Well, General... You're certainly something. I'm not quite sure what, but you're something."

Valentine - "Good grief... You've got a real penchant for the oddities in life, huh? Nuka-Cola's not really my style, but I guess whatever floats your boat..."

X6-88 - "Ma'am, this is downright bewildering. I think you should dispose of all of this immediately. It is unsettling even for me."

Dogmeat - Does not judge. As long as he still gets lots of pets, he is perfectly happy. In fact, when he figures out that bringing the strange bottles to her makes her extremely happy with him and earns him a lot of pets, he wastes no time in feeding her obsession, excitedly receiving all of the affection he can get.

Strong - "What is this?! Looks like big junk heap to Strong! Should throw it away! It could fall and squish tiny human!!!"

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