Teen F!Sole Getting a Shot at Doctor's Office and Tries to Escape

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Cait - Just narrows her eyes and grabs the girl by the shirt collar. She asks the doctor if a shot is really necessary. When he insists, she starts to drag F!Sole toward the examination table to receive it, but when F!Sole seems so positively terrified, Cait just lets her go, deciding that no stupid shot is worth that sort of terror in her little buddy.

Piper - Feels herself growing slightly faint at the sight of the enormous needle, so she does not really fight F!Sole when she wants to run. However, Piper does end up telling F!Sole that she probably needs to go back in the office and at least find out what the shot is for. But Piper is by no means going to make her go back in. Besides, she honestly wonders if the shot is even what it's cracked up to be.

Curie - Does not flinch at the sight of the huge needle, and she just tries to pull F!Sole back to the chair. She is not very successful, but she puts a lot of effort into it despite her lack of strength. After all, since she is a scientist, she believes that shots are quite beneficial for one's health.

MacCready - Cannot believe the size of the shot, and honestly doesn't blame her for trying to run. He offhandedly asks how big of a hole that the doctor is planning on leaving behind. However, he does end up trying to convince the girl to come back and take it. 

Deacon - Is honestly kind of impressed. He has never seen such a huge shot in his life. He does not stop her from running off and actually does not really have an issue with whether she takes one little shot or not. He figures he'll let her decide if she wants a shot.

Codsworth - Wraps a firm pincer around her arm and starts to tug her back to the examination table to receive her shot. The doctor must know best, so he trusts the fact that this shot will keep her healthier. Although, she strongly begs to differ with him.

Hancock - Does not stop her. If she does not want a shot, she should not have to get one. He's not going to force her since he is not all about controlling other people's lives. And if the doctor starts getting a crappy attitude about the whole thing, Hancock tells him to back off and mind his own business.

Danse - Insists that she get the shot since it is theoretically supposed to be good for her even though he is feeling sort of woozy at the mere sight of its size. He grabs her around her upper arm, dragging her to the table. He just tries to keep his own gaze away from the entire thing. He does not feel so good around needles.

Preston - Tries to verbally convince her to take the shot. He thinks that it must be good for her if the doctor wants her to take it, but she wastes no time in telling him how Tinker Tom gave her a shot and it almost killed her. He considers that to be a fair point, but he tries to explain that this is probably different.

Valentine - Feels really sorry for the kid. He decides that he is not going to let the doctor give her a shot unless F!Sole wants one. Besides, he is not so sure that he likes how the doctor is so bent upon giving it to the girl. The whole thing just seems strange to him.

X6-88 - Does not really care one way or the other, but he does tell her that the shot is likely good for her. He will not restrain her and make her take it, but he will make frequent suggestions and try to tell her to go take it.

Dogmeat - Does not like the needle, and he backs out with her, standing between her and the doctor. If the doctor tries to grab her and make her take it, Dogmeat snarls aggressively, warning the person to leave his human alone. If she does not want to be stabbed, Dogmeat will not allow her to be.

Strong - Hates the needle and is convinced that the doctor is trying to hurt her. Therefore, he protects her as she hurries out the door, and he very angrily tells the doctor to leave her alone. In fact, F!Sole might even have to tell him not to hurt the doctor.

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