F!Sole Giving Companions Day Off and Making Sure They Enjoy It

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Cait - Tells her that she wants to drink until she can't see straight or until she passes out and then she wants to get into a good fight with F!Sole by her side. F!Sole makes sure that she is supplied with plenty to drink, and trusts that Cait will take care of picking a fight all on her own. As soon as Cait gets enough alcohol in her to start some trouble, F!Sole is up and beside her, helping her beat down any and all opponents around them. They end up getting thrown out of the bar, but Cait is having the time of her life, and she is sure to tell F!Sole as much the next morning.

Piper - When F!Sole gives her the day off and asks what she wants to do, she jokingly tells her that she wants to sit on the couch near F!Sole all day and have F!Sole read to her and talk with her while they eat sweet rolls and every treat imaginable. However, she definitely did not expect F!Sole to pull out every snack cake and sweet roll within a three mile radius and sit there on the couch playing with Piper's hair while reading excerpts from an old overdue book that F!Sole found who-knows-where. However, Piper's definitely enjoying it, and she actually ends up falling asleep against F!Sole's side as she lets her normally extremely hyperactive brain rest for once in her life. 

Curie - Asks if they can work on some experiments together, but F!Sole tells her that she is having a day off and a day off is for relaxation. So Curie then changes her request, asking if her and F!Sole could just sit and have one of their amazing discussions. They rest on the couch, the both of them discussing whatever comes to mind. Soon enough, Curie ends up snuggling closely with F!Sole and just enjoying the feeling of being close to someone that she cares about so much and owes so much of her current circumstances to.

MacCready - Immediately asks to pick her brains about any Silver Shroud stuff that she might know about. They end up in a deep conversation about the different possibilities that could have occurred instead of canon events in the comic books, and he soon very hesitantly asks her if she would like to act out different scenes. Of course, she agrees. Before long, she ends up dressed in her Silver Shroud armor and he is dressed in a ridiculous-looking Grognak the Barbarian outfit, and they are both completely nerding out over comic book stuff. It is one of the best days of his life.

Deacon - Wants to make attempts to prank Glory and every other Railroad agent all day. F!Sole excitedly helps him with this, and they are pulling out the big guns for this mission. They even target Desdemona--- which she is very much not pleased about. However, she takes it relatively well even though they scare her terribly. They are even able to actually scare Glory. Of course, Deacon ended up with a broken nose as a result, but the fact that they actually got to Glory was plenty enough to take away a fair amount of the pain as Doctor Carrington set it back into place.

Codsworth - When she says he has a day off, he is completely unsure about what to do. His ultimate purpose is to serve and be a butler, and when she tells him that he cannot do any of that for the whole day, he is almost unhappy. Therefore, she suggests that the both of them work on fixing up her old house. It is not exactly work since it something that they both will enjoy, and Codsworth clings onto the idea, absolutely adoring the thought. Therefore, they start to try to restore everything that they possibly can to its former glory.

Hancock - Wants to head down to the Third Rail, get a good drink, partake in some chems, and then dance to Magnolia's smooth jazz tunes for the rest of the night. F!Sole heads out with him to the Third Rail, and as he gets some good drinks and gets a good high going, she stands by, enjoying the fact that he seems to be happy. When he gets up from his chair when Magnolia gets another round of songs going, he holds his hand out to F!Sole and asks her to dance with him. She, of course, complies, and the two friends proceed to dance the night away, giggling at random things and talking about a little bit of everything.

Danse - Wants to work on his power armor. Since that is what he most enjoys and it is like a day off for him when he does it, she decides that will work for a day off activity. She decides to help him, and they both are able to install several useful mods on both of their sets of power armor. And when they take a water break to rest for a moment, they both take the time to unwind and discuss what is on their minds. He is not always good at expressing it, but it does make him feel much more relaxed to be able to just work on his most prized possession and to talk to her about anything and everything.

Preston - Does not exactly know what to do with himself, but he is grateful for the time off. They end up going out and he gets a drink. They then go for a long walk around Sanctuary, enjoying the world around them and talking about all of the places that they would one day love to visit. They both express an interest in seeing the Capitol Wasteland at some point, and she promises that one day they will go. She even says that they might could try expanding their Minutemen network there. 

Valentine - Wants to just sit and reminisce about old times. So that is what they both do. He talks about the old Nick Valentine's life and wild stories from the man's past. F!Sole talks about some of her crazier days in college and some of the things that she did as a young girl. They end up laughing heartily about all of the different occurrences of days gone by. There, of course, is some amount of sadness within them as they remember, but they enjoy being able to share it with someone who can wholeheartedly and truly understand.

X6-88 - Truly has no idea about what to do. When she tells him that they can't go do any missions because that defies the very definition of a day off, he is completely lost. He has never truly been granted the ability to just choose what he wants to do. So when she offers that to him, he is almost scared. Therefore, she takes the helm, and asks him to play cards with her. He tells her that he does not know how, and so she spends the rest of the day teaching him and playing with him. He would never admit it, but he truly enjoys it more than anything he has ever done.

Dogmeat - Does not understand the concept of a day off, but he loves the fact that F!Sole is playing as many games of fetch as he wants. And when he lays down on top of her after she lays down to rest her arms from throwing the stick, she gives him every pet that he could possibly want. He is just so happy, and this is the best day ever for him. And when she gives him some bits of human food, he is ecstatic. They need to do this every day!

Strong - Is disappointed when she draws the line and says that they can't eat people. But he is very happy when she agrees with his idea to spend the whole day looking for milk of human kindness. They set off on an expedition that very morning, searching through every building they come across for milk of human kindness. By the end of the day, they are both pretty tired, but they head home, and Strong is as close to happy as can be expected from him.

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