F!Sole Acts Like They Are in Superhero Comic

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Cait - Is referred to as Red Victory. Cait thinks the entire superhero thing is ridiculous, but she does like the name. It sounds really tough albeit cheesy. She thinks F!Sole is a little crazy for shouting comic book sound effects, but she doesn't really care that F!Sole introduces the both of them as their superhero names, and when people look at her questioningly, she just shrugs and says that at least it sounds cooler than Cait. However, when F!Sole takes Cait to the "secret lair" at her house and she sees all of the drawings as well as actual pictures of her and her husband dressed up as superheroes and all of the superhero-themed merchandise, Cait quickly understands precisely what is going on with the woman. The realization does not really change her view, but now that she understands it, she is much more aware of what it all means to F!Sole.

Piper - Is now officially dubbed Cherry Bomb. Piper actually legitimately grins when she first hears it. She thinks that it's hilarious and when F!Sole explains that she's called Cherry Bomb because she's feisty, small, and occasionally explosive, Piper is actually laughing. When F!Sole starts shouting comic book sound effects when they defeat enemies, Piper just rolls with it. When F!Sole introduces them as their superhero names, Piper usually laughs at the crazy looks they receive before introducing herself as her real name. Of course, most people already know her, but it's still funny. However, when F!Sole shows Piper the "secret lair," Piper is stricken and she feels terrible for the woman next to her. But she also feels quite honored that F!Sole thinks so highly of her to include her in something that F!Sole and her husband were so deeply interested in. She does not stop reintroducing herself as her real name, but she does start doing it when F!Sole is distracted and doesn't overhear. Similarly to F!Sole, she also starts calling out comic book sound effects like "Pow!" when she hits enemies.

Curie - Has become the Mad Scientist. She is at first upset and somewhat offended by the nomenclature. However, when F!Sole explains that it is because she has mad skills (which is a good thing) and she is a scientist, Curie is much happier and even sort of likes the superhero name. When F!Sole shouts comic book sound effects, Curie giggles ridiculously and even contributes some herself. However, when F!Sole introduces them as their superhero names, she insists upon telling people their real names. But when F!Sole shows her the "secret lair," Curie feels awful for F!Sole and she actually starts to cry a little for her. However, after that, while Curie is not a fan of introducing themselves as their superhero names, she does wholeheartedly pitch in when it comes time to yell sounds.

MacCready - Is now Headshot. He secretly adores the name and the entire superhero thing, but he tries to keep it quiet because he wants to look at least a little cool. He doesn't really mind the both of them being introduced as their superhero names and he actually is completely on board when she is shouting comic book sounds. He figures that everyone that hears him will probably be dead by the end of the fight anyway, so there's no real reason to be embarrassed about it. When she shows him the "secret lair," he immediately feels terribly awkward and it takes him a little time after that to fully slide back into the superhero routine.

Deacon - Has earned the title the Veiled Vigilante. He actually likes it quite a bit, and he sometimes is the one introducing them as their superhero names. When she is shouting random comic book noises, he throws in a few as well, unable to keep from laughing a bit when he does. Overall, the superhero thing works well for him since it allows an even more greatly hidden secret identity. However, when he learns about the "secret lair," he understands the deep meaning with the superhero obsession. So after that, he just takes an even more active role in introducing the two as their superhero identities.

Codsworth - Is officially named the Sterling Perry. He just goes with it, knowing the significance of the entire superhero thing. When she introduces the two of them as their superhero names and when she is screaming "Kablam!" at the top of her lungs, it does not bother him at all. Actually, he feels quite sorry for her, and when they visit the "secret lair," he tells her that he is always there if she wants to talk about it. 

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