Sick Day (Fainted) + Adopt!?

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Chapter Rewrite - Saturday 19th May - 17:05pm

Y/N had been on and off set for the next 3 weeks, working hard to make sure her scenes were done before she had to get her education sorted. However, over working did come with disadvantages for 11 year old kids.

For example, her diet had decreased. Infact, the only meal she didn't forget was infact Breakfast because her dad called her to eat with him. They were usually at work through the rest of the day's however. Not to mension, she was still waiting for a premiere for another topic she was involved in as well.

Today was a Sunday and that meant Steve and Y/N weren't needed today. She woke up and instantly coughed, groaning as she realised she was in fact sick. However, she decided to get herself up, grabbing her phone from the side table. Chris had gotten her a phone a bit ago, apparently as a gift. It was of course a good surprise.

She opened instagram and took a picture of herself, sat in her messed up bed, bed head and a tired face. Editing the picture slightly to add colour to her already pale white face.


Y/Nofficial: Morning everyone! Getting a day off set so woke up late looking like a mess! Thankfully I'm not at set today so I can laze away the day!

SebastianStan: Morning Kiddo! How are you this fine morning that you are able to sleep later than usual? But seriously kid, you look a mess, get yourself up and out of the house for once, get yourself a tan or something. Chris has a pool for crying out loud! Go take a swim.
Y/Nofficial: SebastianStan, I can't get a tan, the crew told me not to. But I'll get up soon! Maybe not take a swim either, but you know how it goes.

AnthonyMackie: Morning Kid, get yourself up, stop being lazy. Go take a walk or something.

Tomholland2013: Morning! Doing the same as my brothers it seems. Don't forget to eat some breakfast!

robertdowneyjr: Morning kid, I'm kind of upset you weren't on set today! Oh and I found your nutella bar.
Y/Nofficial: robertdowneyjr, you put it back, didn't you? If not, I'm gonna go mental with you.
robertdowneyjr: Y/Nofficial, Nope.

jeremyrenner: You ditched me. Why aren't you on set today? Rude.

chrisevans: Morning Kid, I know you're probably wanting to stay in bed all day, but get yourself into something comfy and come down. I made fluffy pancakes with ice cream. So come on downstairs.
Y/Nofficial: chrisevans: Coming! I'll be down in a couple of minutes.

Username: Omg look at what everyone calls Y/N, everyone is calling her Kid! Y/N litrely has them wrapped around her finger. She could have whatever she wants.

Username: Awh! Y/N's having pancakes and ice cream for breakfast with Chris! Imagine having breakfast with Captain America! And that breakfast too. Every kid's dream.

Username: I can't wait to see what these lot do next! I seriously cannot wait!

Y/N smiled, getting herself up. When she stood she found herself stopping for a moment, gripping the side table so she didn't fall. Black dots covering her vision as she stood. She waited for the dizziness to fade before getting changed into some shorts and a cropped hoodie. She then walked to the kitchen and sat down on the stool. Noticing how Chris changed from a small hum to being quiet. Looking at her.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now