Sebastian and Chris go on a Date!!!

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"Right, Y/N! Pancake's are done!" Chirs shouted from the kitchen.
"Coming!" She shouted back, closing her laptop before walking into the kitchen. "Pancakes and fruit! Yum!" She smiled, sitting down next to Sebastian as Chris sat opposite her. She ate in silence as the two men spoke about the movie they played in, 'Captain America and the First Avenger' which she found amazing.

Suddenly however her phone started ringing. She instantly stood up.
"Sorry." She spoke, stepping away.
"It's alright kiddo, I'll clean up your plate." Chris smiled, going to wash the dishes.
"This normal?" Sebastian asked.
"The phone calls? Yeah, it's normal." Chris shrugged.

"Heyya, Y/N speaking." Y/N spoke.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright to come down to set for today?" A voice asked.
"I mean sure, what for?" She asked.
"You know, a bit of catching up with a new scene. Can Chris drop you off?" He asked.
"He's going out on a date, I'll have someone drop me off though." She explained.
"Good. See you then." He told her before hanging up.

Y/N walked back into the kitchen, checking her emails.

"So, what's the call about kiddo?" Chris asked.
"I have to get down to set, but don't worry, I'll have Scott drop me off." She smiled.
"Right, how about you go get ready to go, and I'll send Scott up when he comes?" Chris suggested, going to her left before kissing her cheek and then going back to what he was doing. She gave Sebastian a quick hug before disapearing upstairs.

"Didn't know the set would cause her to be in this much." Sebastian hummed.
"She's out quite a lot. It is her movie though." Chris shrugged.
"Fair point." Sebastian sighed. "Poor kid." He sighed.
"She likes doing this, I think she'd prefer doing it rather than the whole school system." Chris shrugged.
"Heard the Director was sending her to a public school for a week for her acting." Sebastian spoke up.
"Well if they do, I'm not stopping them. She had fun at the army camp last time." Chris shrugged.

"HONEYY! I'm HOME!" A voice yelled from the door.
"That'd be Scott. WE'RE IN THE KITCHEN!" Chris yelled out.

Suddenly the man ran in. "Where's my favourite Neice?" He asked, his face suddenly dropping when he didn't see her.
"Up in her room. Just keep going up the stairs and then the second room on the left." Chris told him.
"Okay." He spoke before disapearing.
"He didn't even say hello to you." Sebastian stated.
"Y/N's his favourite." Chris shrugged.

Scott walked into the bedroom where she was sat sorting out her hair.
"Hey kiddo." Scott spoke.
"Uncle Scott!" She smiled, running over and hugging him.
"God, your getting taller kiddo." He smiled.
"No need to lie to me." She pouted.
"Well, we best get you to set then, eh?" He asked.
"Yep!" She smiled.
"Remind me why your dad can't take you?" Scott asked.
"Because he's going on a date with Sebastian. Bye bye Buck." She said, kissing her dog's head before following Scott out.

Sebastian and Chris ended up having a small picnic date in the garden however for them, that was enough for them.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now