Missing during an Earthquake

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"Hey, Sebastian, where's Y/N?" Chris asked randomly after realising she wasn't sat where she was a bit ago.
"Huh, she was over th-" Sebastian stopped after seeing she wasn't there. "ANTHONY! Where's Y/N? You were talking to her like fifteen minutes ago." Sebastian questioned.
"Never saw her leave, so I have no idea." Anthony spoke.
"Has anyone seen Robert? He usually knows where she's gone." Chris Hemsworth points out.
"No luck, Robert went to his trailer to catch up on some other stuff, we all know he concentrates too hard on that. Wouldn't even hear her." Tom Hiddleston explained.
"Tom's right." Anthony nodded.
"Well we need to find my daughter!" Chris spoke, obviously stressed.
"I assume she's with Walker, he just arrived on set a bit ago." The director spoke from where he was stood.

(Now I have no idea if they get earthquakes, but it would honestly make sense and I just had the idea, so yeah, if they don't, then just ignore it. Also I'm from the Uk so I've never experienced an Earthquake, I'm watching a video to get it somewhat right. So yeah, back to Walker and Y/N.)

Walker and Y/N instantly stopped talking as the trailer began to shake.

"Shit, earthquake!" Walker stated, grabbing hold of her.
"We should go outside, the trailer isn't exactly safe!" Y/N stated.
"Got it." Walker nodded, helping her up with him before rushing outside with her. Both trying not to fall on the way. They thankfully got a safe distance from any trailers.

When the shaking stopped, they both sighed. That was interupted by a yell.

"Y/N, Walker, are you both alright?" Robert Downey Jr asked, rushing over to the only children on the while set. Others were above twenty years old.

"We're fine, we got out of the trailers just in case." Y/N told him.
"Thanks for looking after her, Walker." Robert told him, pulling Y/N into a hug.

"Y/N! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Chris yelled. The group rushing over. Chris instantly pulling her into a hug.

Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston and Anthony were all alright, just slightly mucked up on their uniforms.

"We're fine." Y/N told them all.
"You must be Walker, thanks for staying with my daughter." Chris said, shaking Walker's hand.
"Y/N this is why you tell us before you go off somewhere!" Sebastian told her, kissing her forehead.
"Sorry Papa." She told him.

"Everyone into the main set room. Injured, go straight to the paramedic's please." A set worker yelled.
"Come on you two kiddo's." The adults told the two teenagers who instantly nodded and headed off with them.

Walker and Y/N continued to sit in the trailer, talking while also watching the movie.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now