Going to Canada

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As soon as Y/N woke up the next day, she had changed before rushing downstairs.

"Come on, before your dad wakes up." Sebastian spoke, shoving the bags in the boot for her before getting into the drivers seat.

Sebastian drove her to the airport, getting her signed in before looking at her as she was ready to head inside the plane. Being careful of the Paparazi trying to get photo's of her.

"I'll miss you kiddo." Sebastian sighed, pulling her into a hug.
"I love you papa, and dad too. I'll see you both soon." She smiled before heading into the plane.

The trip was short however when she arrived, she instantly headed out, grabbing her bags before looking out for Ryan. Who said he would be there to pick her up.

"Y/N!" Over here!" She heard his voice.
She instantly headed over, hugging him tight.

"Hey Ryan." She grinned.
"Hey kiddo, come on, we have to rush to the studio." Ryan stated, rushing to the car and placing the stuff inside.
"How come?" She asked.
"Testing singing. Apparently." Ryan shrugged.

Ryan drove her all the way to the studio, letting her go inside.

"Hey there." Y/N smiled as she walked inside.
"Ah, Y/N. Step on into the recording studio." The director smiled.
"Alrighty." Y/N nodded, stepping inside. "Do I have to use the piano?" She asked.
"It would make it better, so if you don't mind." The director smiled.

(Pretend this is you btw but 13)

"That's amazing, Y/N. Well done. That should do perfectly. We'll give you a week to get situated in your home for the year. Then we'll start the first season this week." The director asked.
"What's it themed on?" Y/N asked.
"Ah, its themed on Victorious. The show from time back, but younger people, better talents and....Well more famous people." The director shrugged, handing her a peice of paper.

Character Name: Rose (Y/N Evans)
Character Last Name: Not Mensioned.
Character Mother: ////
Character father: Adam (Ryan Reynolds)
Character Siblings: Chris (Tom Holland)

Friend 1: *****
Friend 2: *******
Friend 3: ***** ****
Friend 4: ****

Enemy: *****
Relationship with: ********

"Most of them are crossed out." Y/N explained.
"That's right. We don't want spoilers. With Tom being in the show and all that." The director explained.
"Oh, thats fine." She shrugged. "But Tom and Ryan can't sing." She added.
"They won't be singing don't worry." The director laughed.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang