Back to England

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When Y/N got out of the plane, she instantly walked to the meeting point that Ryan told her to go to when she arrived. She then saw Ryan so rushed over.

"Hey kid, how're you?" Ryan asked.
"I'm good." She smiled. "You?" She then asked.
"Never better kid." He told her, taking her luggage before leading her out to the car.

The trip back to Ryan's house was short and somewhat entertaining. Ryan was swearing tons at how many people in England didn't know how to drive... Yet they had a car and a driving license.

"And this is why you've got to be eighteen to drive." He groaned.
"Lucky England, we get to try for a drivers license at sixteen." She shrugged.
"Fucking Hell." He mumbled.

When the car came to a stop both of them got out and Ryan instantly grabbed her luggage from the back.

Instantly when Y/N walked into the house, she was attacked with a hug from a certain Reynold. James Reynold. The little girl instantly hugged Y/N.

"Hey Y/N!" She smiled.
"Hey James. Your old man not tell you I was coming?" She asked.
"Nope." She spoke, glaring at her father.
"Sorry hun, but you would never stop fucking asking when she was coming if I said something." He said in a happy sort of voice.

"Can we go up to your room now?" James asked Y/N.
"Sure, let's go on up." She smirked, sticking her tongue out at Ryan.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now