Invited onto Deadpool

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(Just a heads up that this Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds is not a DC. It is infact in Marvel (MCU) so yeah, please don't get mad during these next few chapters.)

"Morning." Y/N spoke to Chris as she walked into the kitchen. For once he was just sat down instead of cooking like usual.
"Morning kiddo." He spoke, hugging her before kissing her forehead.
"Finally rested?" She asked, afterall, Sebastian had locked her out of their room so he could rest. And she headed off to sleep also before she was told what else was going to happen.
"Yeah, sorry for worrying you last night." Chris smiled to his daughter who got up and walked over to the fridge. Her outfit today was a simple white dress that went just above her knees. However she didn't really mind wearing things like that.

Y/N was grabbing things from the fridge before placing them on the counter. She grabbed out a pan and threw egg's onto it, making sure to throw the egg shells away.

She heard a phone ringing upstairs.
"Y/N! You're phone!" Sebastian yelled from his bedroom.
"Can you get it?" She asked.

She guessed it was yes because he was suddenly talking to someone. She just shrugged, continuing to make an English breakfast. In the end, she plated the fried eggs, sausages, beans, tomato's, mushrooms and bacon onto the plate, she put the plates out in time for Sebastian to walk in.

"Smells great kid." He told her.
"Thanks." She smiled, taking her seat as the small family ate. "Who called me?" She asked.
"Your manager, wouldn't tell me anything though. She said she'll call you in half an hour." He told her.
"Alright." She nodded, continuing to eat.

When she finished her breakfast, she washed her plate before getting up and leaving upstairs, instantly calling her manager.

"Great, Y/N, ready for the news I have for you?" She asked.
"Go right ahead and tell me." She sighed.
"You have received a role in Deadpool 4. Ryan Reynolds was really forceful when explaining that he wished for you to be the actress, only you, no one else." She explained.
"Great, I'll do it. Want me to announce it?" She asked.
"You can announce it now. Ryan has just been informed and will therefore announce it in a minute. I'll contact you later with the set details, although I don't think you'll be near your family since its filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia. I'm sure Ryan could speak to your dad about looking after you there though." She explained.
"Alright, talk to you soon." Y/N smiled before hanging up.

She opened up Instagram and used a screenshot of Deadpool as the picture.


Y/Nofficial: I can officially announce that I am in yet another movie! Deadpool 4 I will be staring in alongside Ryan Reynolds. More information soon but for now, this is all!

vancityreynolds: Just got informed you accepted the offer! Can't wait to act with you again!

robertdowneyjr: I sense fanfictions being made. An Avenger meeting Deadpool. Wait are you even going to be you're Avenger self?
Y/Nofficial: From the info I've been given, yeah. I'm gonna be Y/N Barnes.

Username: This will be amazing!

Username: I wonder if Deadpool will like find her and protect her or maybe even attack her?

She then clicked onto Ryan's Instagram and saw he had posted a picture of them both one day on set of the musical.


vancityreynolds: I'm glad to say that Y/N Evans (Y/Noffical) Will be staring in the new Deadpool movie with me very soon! Beat that Avengers! She's on my side now!

Username: Cant wait!!!

Username: Can it come out in 2 minutes instead?

Username: How will Chris and Sebastian feal about their daughter getting another father figure?

Username: Maybe more daddy daughter scenes?

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now