Premiere pt-2

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Walker held Y/N around the waist, looking at the camera's. Smiling.

Soon however, Ryan walked over, grinning at the two kids before squeezing in between them, holding each of them by the shoulders.

"Hello Ryan." Y/N smiled.
"Hey kiddo, you two enjoying yourselves?" Ryan asked.
"Yep." They both nodded, everyone just kept taking photo's of the trio.

Soon Tom Holland joined the trio, standing next to Y/N. They took quite a lot of photo's together. They then soon seperated however. Y/N and Walker heading off to a interviewer.

"Miss Y/N, you usually have a reason for your outfits during Premieres. What's this dress for?" The interviewer asked.
"This is the only Premiere for the seasons, and this dress has a theme for the 9th season. So I can't say why yet." Y/N explained.
"Alright thats fine." The Interviewer smiled.

They continued to speak about everything. Mainly about the first two Seasons and then Y/N's and Walker's relationship.

"Is there anything you disliked about living in Canada for a year instead of at home with your dads?" A woman asked.
"I missed my dad's thats about it." She smiled.

Y/N took photo's with quite a lot of children in the pubic, and quite a lot of teenagers and adults too. Walker even took photo's with people too. Seeing as a lot were a fan of him, not only her and the other celebrity's.

Finally, that night came to an end. So Walker and Y/N got back in the car. Walker was dropped off at home before the driver took her home. As soon as she arrived, she headed straight inside, then straight up to her bedroom since her dad's weren't home till later. She instantly changed out of her dress before jumping into her bed with her phone.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now