Robert Downey Jr

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"You just made a huge mistake." Sebastian sighed, turning the stove off and putting the food to the side. "I'll go sort her out." He sighed.
"Leave her, she'll be down appologising in less than half an hour." Chris sighed, rubbing his temples, already begining to regret what he said.

They sat there over 20 minutes till the front door slammed open to show an out of breath Robert Downey Jr. He was definatly out of breath and seemed to glare at the two men instantly.

"What are you two idiots doing to that poor girl?" He asked before rushing up the stairs. This concerned the two men who instantly shot after the man they called a friend. Sebastian knowing instantly what he was doing.

They got to the room as soon as soon as Robert had knocked on the girls door.

"What're you doing here Robert?" Chris asked.
"When the bloody kid calls me, CRYING, of course I'm going to get here!" He stated, knocking again.
"I messed up..." Chris mumbled.
"I don't even know what you did, But yes you messed up!" He yelled.
"I yelled at her... She didn't tell me that she was doing a romance movie with a boy... I grounded her... Then she told me I wasn't even her dad." Chris explained.
"Oh did you forget what happened to her with her family before she trusted you to be her father?" Robert asked him with a raised voice, looking at Chris.
"I didn't think about it..." Chris looked down.

"Y/N I swear to god if you do not open this bloody door I'm knocking it down." Robert spoke, knocking on the door once again.

When she didn't however open it from it's locked state, he grabbed Sebastian's wrist and pulled him over to it. "Kick it down." He stated.
"Fine." Sebastian nodded.
"Sebastian." Chris spoke.
"I'm sorry Chris, I'm too worried about Y/N to be worried about a door." Sebastian spoke before kicking the door. Thankfully causing it to break the lock and open it with no damage to the door. They'd need to fix the frame though and the lock if they trusted their daughter with it after all this.

Robert instantly rushed over to the girls bed, sighing at the shaking form under the blankets. He looked over at Chris who seemed slightly too shocked at his daughters form to acctuly move.

"You have ten minutes to sort this out. If not, she's leaving this house and going to where I'm staying." Robert stated, walking out with Sebastian.

"Kiddo..." Chris spoke, sitting on the bed beside where she was curled up.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now