Going to the Premiere

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When Y/N woke up a day later, on the day of the Premiere, she got changed into the dress she had planned to wear. (You saw it around two chapters ago) so she then pulled on some black heels and made her way downstairs.

"You almost ready to get going kiddo?" Ryan asked her.
"Yeah, is your family coming?" Y/N asked him.
"Nope, they're staying here." He explained.
"Do you not want your family with you?" She asked.
"Chris and Sebastian cant be here for you like they usually are, so tonight we're going together as a little family." He told her, hugging her.
"Wow, thanks Ryan!" She smiled.
"It's alright, now come on, the car's waiting for us outside." He told her before they walked out.

They made their way down to the car and when they got down to the car, the driver got out, opening the door for her as she got in. He then closed the door for her before getting in the drivers seat. Ryan was already sat beside her when she looked over.

They were in the car for some time before Ryan finally came from the silence and opened up his phone to do whatever.

Y/N just grabbed out her phone and uploaded a picture of her earlier. It was a picture of her in her dress, looking into a mirror, taking a photo of the mirror but herself at the same time.


Y/Nofficial: Well today I'm at the premiere for Deadpool! I might not have been in the interviews that I was invited to, however, I'll alow the reporters to ask as many questions as they can to make up for it too!

RobertDowneyJr: Well, it might be fun. I'm sadly not able to come but I will most definatly watch the new Deadpool Movie the second I can get my hands on it. No matter the price.

chrisevans: Good Luck kiddo! I will be watching the Live with your papa Sebastian, so have fun but stay safe!

Username: I wonder what the meaning of that dress is. Y/N usually dresses up to give a reason for something.
Username: I recon it's because that's deadpools colours. And since Deadpool is eternal, thats the reason for the dress looking older. It's still in great condition because of the fact, everytime Deadpool gets hurt or something like that, he heals as if he wasn't in bad shape. It might also be like that because of Deadpools disfigured face.
Y/Nofficial: Correct, minus the disfigured face point. But well done.

Username: Have fun!

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