A bloody accident

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(Right so just a heads up for those reading, this may be a rather...Awkward chapter due to a period talk. You can skip this part if you wanna, it won't effect the rest of the story.)

Y/N woke up rather early due to the fact Chris and Y/N were needed on set.

She got into the outfit that she had planned out the night before.

She smiled and walked to the kitchen

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She smiled and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning dad." She smiled as Chris handed her a plate with some toast and fruit. She sat down and began eating.

"How was your sleep?" Chris asked as he sat down to eat.
"Good. No issues." She smiled.
"Ready for your scenes today?" Chris asked her.
"I guess so, it's not much of a scene though." She shrugged.
"Being kidnapped as a scene, that is much of a scene." He smiled at her.
"I guess so." She shrugged.

They soon finished their food so they washed up their plates and got their shoes on. They then headed off to the car where they drove to the set.

As soon as she arrived, they got her straight onto set where she was told to act like she was doing some work. Then apparently, as she felt something touch her head, she was told to drop her head down onto the desk. She did so before being pulled to the trailer by a makeup artist. Chris watched as she was covered head to toe in makeup. Makeup being designed to look like bruising. Then her hair was messed up before fake blood was put on her. So seeing 'fake blood' on the back of her skirt didn't concern him too much.

Y/N was then taken back to set where she started the scene.
Chris soon joined her with Sebastian who were ready pretty quick for the set.

"And, Action!" The Director yelled.

"Are you sure she'll be here..." Bucky spoke.
"Tony was sure she was." Steve spoke as they opened the door, seeing her on the floor.
"Y/N!" Bucky yelled, running over.
"What the hell have they done to her..." Steve spoke, crouching down next to her.
"I don't know, but we need to get her out of her." Bucky stated. He put his 'metal' arm under her legs and his other hand under her back before pulling her up. They then walked out.

"And cut! Well done you lot. Y/N, you can go get yourself cleaned up." The director spoke.
Y/N nodded, going to the shower rooms, showering off the fake blood. She then got out, changing into a pair of normal jeans and a tight t-shirt. She then headed to where the set was.

"What're we doing?" She asked.
"We're playing a bit of a game." Robert spoke.
"What's the game?" She added.
"Just a bit of who can jump the highest." Sebastian spoke.
"Oh alright, I don't wanna jump around though." She stated. Chris looked at her, confused.

As the others were jumping around, Chris turned to her.
"You alright kiddo?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. My stomach just hurts that's all." She spoke.

Suddenly Scarlett walked past, whispering something to Chris before walking away.
Chris grabbed his coat from on top of his bag and went back to her.

"Arms up." He told her. She nodded, doing so, confused. Chris put his coat around her waist and tied it.
"Something wrong?" Robert asked.
"I'll text you later about it, we need to head home. Mind telling the director for us?" Chris asked. Robert nodded. Chris grabbed his and her bag before walking to the car with her.

Y/N went to remove the coat so she could get in the car however Chris was quick to stop her.
"Keep it on till we get home, alright kiddo?" He told her.
"Okay?" She spoke, confused.

Chris was driving until he stopped infront of a supermarket. He put some sunglasses on and a hat.
"I'll be back in five minutes." He spoke, getting out of the car and heading inside.

He returned five minutes later, putting a bag in the back. He then drove home, grabbing the shopping bag and then his and Y/N bags before heading inside.

"Are you going to explain this yet?" She asked, motioning to the coat.
"It's hard to explain, kiddo. Here's a bag . Grab yourself some comfy clothes and get yourself changed, and uh... Use these." Chris said, handing her the bag. She nodded, going off to her room.

For those wanting to know what's in the bag.

- Tampons
- Pads
- Tutorial book for periods
- hot bag

Of course, after Y/N read the book, she understood everything somewhat and understood why Chris had been so awkward.

(You can pick if you use tampons or pad's because all girls are different.)

Y/N headed out of the bathroom in some fluffy pj's. She headed to the kitchen, putting the hot bag into the microwave.

"How about we watch a movie, kiddo." Chris spoke, holding up chocolate and ice cream.
"Okay." She nodded. She grabbed the hot bag before heading to the sitting room.

They sat eating their food and watching a movie. Y/N having her hot pad on her lower stomach and a blanket over her. When she finished eating, she headed on Chris who put his arm over her shoulder. She soon fell asleep and Chris was quick to take a picture of them both.


chrisevans: Rough day for this one, despite it still being quite early, this one's definatly off to bed.

scottevans: You better text me and tell me what's going on with her. She looks exhausted. She's been sleeping right?

Username: It's another picture on the sofa, meaning something's gone on.

Username: Wonder what happened.

Chris sighed, picking Y/N up carefully and walking to her room, laying her down. He took the heat bag and headed to the kitchen, heating it up before going back to her again, Putting it on her stomach and kissed her forehead.

He then grabbed some chocolate and put it on her side table with a quick note, 'If you crave it during the night' He then closed the curtains before walking back over to her, making sure she was tightly tucked in before leaving again.

Through the week, Chris had been rather gentle with her, mainly because of what some of the ladies on set had told him.

To make things different, near the end of the week, she tried to shave, mainly due to the small hairs coming through. She managed to do most of her body fine however when it came to her legs, she ended up cutting the side of it.

She was quick to put on her clothes before calling for Chris.

"Chris!" She yelled.
Nearly instantly she heard Chris running before he opened the bathroom door, covering his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"You can look, I'm dressed. But I cut myself." She stated.
"Jesus crist thats bleeding a lot." He stated, looking through the cabinet and grabbing out a wipe and a large plaster. He kneeled down, wiped the cut before putting the plaster on it.

He then stood up. "Right come on, if you're done, let's go have dinner." He told her.
"Okay." She nodded, following him.

Remember, not all Periods are the same. If you have not yet gotten your period you shouldn't be afraid, only 80% of the girls experience period pains and only 5-10% have it bad enough to disrupt them. Also know periods may start from the age range of 8 all the way to 16. But like I said, not all periods are the same, this is just honestly the way me and my friends have ours. So this may not be normal to you as it is for me.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now