Fighting for Y/N

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Y/N was bored, reading about herself online. Apparently there was drama on her acctual parents. However suddenly her phone began ringing. She sat up and pressed accept.

"Hello! Y/N speaking, who's this?" She asked.
"Y/N, It's me, your grandma, I'm sorry about what happened, but good news, your mom and dad are out of Prison! They're coming to take you away from the house your in at the moment so you can go back home with them!" Her grandma's voice spoke.
"Grandma... I'm sorry but I've been adopted." She stated.
"It doesn't matter if you were adopted, your parents are free now and have been granted permission to take you back!" Her grandma stated.
"But I'm Happy with the person I'm living with..." She mumbled.
"You'd really abandon your parents for fame? Y/N?" She asked.
"Of course not... But I've grown use to Chris, mom and dad made it clear that they didn't want me anymore. Not to mension, Chris acctuly looks after me as if he loves me, like he's my dad. Mom and dad have never done that for me." Y/N stated.
"Don't be an idiot, child. You WILL return home." She stated before hanging up.

Y/N let her phone drop to the ground before she pulled her knees up to her chest. What if she acctuly did have to return home?

"Y/N, you're crying... What's wrong?" Chris asked as he walked in, instantly rushing to her and kneeling infront of her.
Y/N explained what was going on and instantly Chris sighed.

"Listen to me, kid, I understand. But listen to me, I will fight for you, I won't let them take you, okay?" He asked.
"B-But what if they win the fight?" She asked, rubbing the tears from her eyes.
"We don't need to think about something that won't happen. How about we have some ice cream, watch some movies and cuddle up on the sofa?" He suggested.
"Okay..." She mumbled.
He smiled, kissing her forehead before going to go grab ice cream. He got two bowls of 4 scoops of ice cream, adding cream, sprinkles and a few strawberries. He grabbed two spoons before going back to her, handing her, her bowl.

They watched a movie while eating their ice cream, however when they finished, Chris moved her over to lay down with her head on his lap, still letting her watch the movie. It wasn't too long before the end of the movie when Chris felt the girl go limp, falling asleep. He smiled, kissing her forehead before carefully grabbing the blanket behind him and putting it over her body, staying there in hopes she would just stay asleep and relax for a bit from the whole mother and father issue. He grabbed his phone while at it, instantly calling a quite close friend of his.

"Hey, I'm going to need your help." Chris spoke.
"What now, Chris?" A man asked.
"Listen, the kid I adopted a bit ago, Y/N, her parents got themselves out of jail and are trying to get her back. I've sent an email to fight for her, but I definatly need your help making sure she doesn't end up going back there." Chris spoke.
"When is it?" The man asked.
"In two days." Chris told him.
"Right, I'll be in touch tommorow, just keep her calm, let her have some fun." He spoke before hanging up.

When she woke up, she looked up at Chris who was on his phone, his hand moving over her head/hair as if he wasn't concentrating.

"Chris..." She mumbled.
"Morning Y/N, how you fealing kiddo?" Chris asked, putting his phone down.
"I'm good. It's bright out... Did you sleep with me here all night?" She asked.
"I did, kiddo. But it's fine, It was worth every second of it. You're uncle Scott should be here in a minute, he's going look after you for today while I have a meeting about court tommorow." Chris explained.
"Okay." She nodded, getting up to let him go get changed. She just sat on the sofa, taking out her phone to check Instagram.
She instantly saw that Chris had posted quite late last night.
Nearly instantly she saw the picture of her laid with her head on Chris's lap, watching the movie.


chrisevans: A movie with Y/N tonight. Letting her get her mind off of all the stressful things from this week!

scottevans: Poor kid's been through so much and yet now, she's still dealing with it. It's good to see Y/N finally getting a bit of rest. Oh and I'll be there soon!

Username: She looks so adorable!

Username: Looks like she's about to fall asleep.

Username: Think this was rather late of a post, you can see the windows, it's dark out.

Chris soon gave her a kiss on the head before leaving just in time for Scott to walk in. He made her breakfast before they messed around all day.

When Chris did get back, she had to get into bed, meaning the morning after, she was getting ready to go to court with Chris.

She sighed as she got out into the car with Chris

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She sighed as she got out into the car with Chris. She noticed how Chris's hands were shaking and he didn't really speak to her either.

"Hey... Chris, your shaking." She spoke.
"I'm fine kiddo." He smiled.
"Your nervous, aren't you?" She asked.
"Kind of." He sighed. "We're here." He stated. They got themselves out of the car before walking inside. They had to wait for it so as they stood in the waiting room, her mother and father were at the other side of the room.

"Y/N, my dear, why don't you give mommy a hug? We missed you." Her mother spoke in a gentle voice, opening her arms for a hug.
"You cant trick me." She stated, hugging Chris instead.
"He's not your father Y/N, I am. He's a celebrity, he's using you for fame." Her father spoke.
"If you were my father, you'd look after me. Just because Chris isn't my blood father, it doesn't mean I don't see him as one. And remember, I'm a celebrity too, so quit what you're saying." She stated.

Chris was taken into the room with her father and mother. However, she wasn't aloud to listen to any of the talking about her life being planned in the other room. However she was soon called in. She walked in. She saw that Chris seemed quite calm while her parents, well they looked nervous.

"Miss Y/N Evans, I'm guessing that's your name at the moment?" The man asked.
"It is." She nodded.
"I have a question for you. Who would you prefer to have being your parents or parent?" He asked.
"Chris. He cares for me like a real father. They hurt me through my life, they're no parents to me. They just want money and fame." She stated.
"Very well. I have come to my conclussion. Well done Chris Evans, you are offically the offical guiardian of Y/N Evans. Mr and Mrs, you will not be aloud near Y/N and will be facing another sentance in prison. You will not buy yourselves out of this one." He stated.

"Dad! You did it!" She smiled, running to Chris and jumping into his embrace. Chris just stood, eyes wide, looking at the girl.
"W-what did you call me?" He asked.
"I called you dad." She smiled.
He instantly hugged her, trying not to cry.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now