Walker Scobell

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Ryan went to the door, opening it to see Walker, who looked like he had ran from the car. Which Ryan noticed outside with his mother in.

"Come on in, kid." Ryan sighed, stepping aside to let Walker past. "In the sitting room." He told him.
Walker nodded and rushed into the sitting room.

"Y/N, hun, Walker is here. We will leave you to talk with him." Sebastian told her, putting her down on the sofa before him and Chris went to speak with Ryan outside.

"Hey, I heard what happened." Walker spoke, walking over and sat beside her. Since she didn't say anything, he pulled her up to him and hugged her.

As soon as Y/N's face touched his chest, she burst out crying, as if she'd been holding it in. Walker just sighed, rubbing her back but letting her cry on him.

Sebastian, Chris and Ryan watched from a distance. Ryan was just glad she finally broke down to someone so it wouldn't build up and break down later on.

It was around ten minutes into Y/N crying. Walkers mom headed off to stay somewhere else. Chris and Sebastian were making up a plan for court. Ryan was upstairs dealing with his daughters and wife. Then Y/N was asleep on Walker, who had also fallen asleep.

Chris took a picture of her to post on his Instagram to share what had happened.


ChrisEvans:Y/N's been going through a lot for the last few days. She's been abused, again but not only by her 'parents' Either way, she's finally back with us and we're going to fight for her guardianship once again tommorow. Poor kid cried herself to sleep with Walker.

Robertdowneyjr: I knew something was wrong... Poor kid. I'll speak to her on the day she's back. The crew's made sure she's still in the movie. A week of not working is no issue since she's a perfect actress.

Username: Did Mark abuse her too?

Username: knew something was up

Username: She didn't deserve this.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now