Marvel Interview

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The cast were put into rooms They would be questioned on how much they knew about Marvel. However they had no time to revise. She knew tons though so she wasn't too worried. She was in a room with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. Apparently Sebastian was with Anthony then Chris was with Tom Holland. Others were in small groups also.

"Right so we have 50 or more questions and you just have to answer them, alright? The man asked. "Try and get as many and more right."
"Okay." The three nodded.

"How many Infinity Stones are there?" He asked.
"Six." Chris stated.
"Where is Captain America from?"
"Brooklyn." Y/N stated.
"Who is Tony Starks Father?"
"Howard Stark." Tom stated.
"What does S.H.I.E.L.D stand for?"
"Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Y/N stated as if it was normal.
"Sharon Carter is whose great-niece?"
"Peggy Carter." Tom stated.
"What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?"
"A neurosurgeon." Y/N answered due to the two adults confusion.
"Who's power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme?"
"Wanda." Chris stated.
"What is Carol Danvers nickname for Monica Rambeau?"
"LIeutenant trouble." Y/N piped up.
"Captain America's shield and Bucly's arm are made of what?"
"Vibranium." Tom said loudly.
"Who was able to pick up Thor's hammer in Endgame."
"Steve Rogers." Tom pointed.
"Who was responsible for King T'Chaka's death?"
"Bucky Barn-" Chris was interupted.
"Zemo." She stated.
"In which movie did Spider-man make his first appearance in the MCU?"
"Captain America: Civil War." Y/N informed.
"Wanda and her brother Pietro are from where?"
"Sokovia." Chris said, proud he knew.
"On what planet was the soul stone in infinity war?"
"Vormir." Y/N stated, now growing bored of the easy questions.
"What movie kicked off the marvel cinematic universe?"
"Iron Man." She rolled her eyes.
"Who rescued Tony Stark and Nebula from space?"
"Captain Marvel." Tom smiled.
"Pepper Potts is allergic to what?"
"She's allergic to something?" Tom asked.
"Strawberries." Y/N slapped the back of Tom's head.
"Hawkeye has how many kids?"
"Three." Y/N stated.
"Natasha Romanoff tells Loki she's got what in her ledger?"
"Red." Tom stated.
"Nick Fury wears an eye patch over which eye?"
"Left." Chris informed.
"Thor's hammer is made of what?"
"The metal of a dying star." Y/N smirked.
"Thor played what video game in Avengers Endgame?"
"Fortnite!" Chris finally piped in.
"What is the name of the amulet doctor strange wears around his neck?"
"The eye of Agamotto." Y/N leaned back.
"What does S.W.O.R.D stand for in WandaVision?"
"Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division." Y/N sighed.
"Does Y/N Barnes die in the next movie?"
"Yes." Y/N stated, knowing she doesn't acctuly die and it was just a way to throw people off.
"Oh wait, shit, sorry, I wasn't meant to say that." She said, faking as if she wasn't meant to say it.

"Okay, so uh... Next.. Guess who it is." The man spoke, worried eyes. "A body part of your costars, guess who it is." He stated, the screen coming up.

First it was red that she saw however she knew instantly it wasn't a person.

"Tony Stark, Iron man." She stated.

Next was a dark screen but she could see hair.
"Gamora!" Chris stated.

Next came a leg, however she saw the wing. it was definatly Falcon.
"Falcon." She rolled her eyes.

The blue and red suit came next, not Spiderman but vision.

She saw the cape of Dr Strange, she smirked.
"Dr Strange."

Then Thors shoulder.
"Me!" Chris smirked.

Black Panther.
The Winter Soldier

And then it came to an end and they quickly left to stop themselves from ebing questioned about how Y/N was going to 'die' in the next movie.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now