Memory Loss

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As soon as Sebastian and Chris walked out, Y/N budged over slightly for Liam to sit beside her on the bed.

"Your head alright?" He asked.
"Numb." She stated, laughing gently.
"What do you wanna do while we wait for your dads?" He asked.
"Need to update Instagram..." She mumbled, grabbing her phone. "Take the photo?" She asked him.
"Of course." Liam nodded, taking the phone before taking a photo of them both.
Y/N then posted the picture before finally laying her head back down.


Y/Nofficial: Got a concussion today while Practicing with Jake and Liam, you best all go check them out btw. But yeah, stuck in the hospital for now.

RobertDowneyJr: I'll be there in the morning!

ChrisHemsworth: I'm on the plane already kid, your dad informed me. I'll be there tommorow to see how you're doing.

ScottEvans: I'm not aloud to visit today, but your dad's given me permission to visit you in the morning. I'm setting up your room so you'll be comfortable when you get back.

TomHolland2013: Can't visit due to being in London, however I hope you get better, just make sure you rest for now!

vancityreynolds: Great time to get a concussion kid, not even a week after we finish the movie. Thank you Liam for looking after her though since most of us wouldn't want the poor kid getting more hurt when she tries to do too much. Although I can say that your attitude im surprised, didn't make you get a head injury the first time, Y/N. Anyways, I can't see you because I'm pretty sure family and the Marvel set are visiting, but I expect to still see you at the Premeire.

anthonymackie: I swear, we leave you for five minutes and you get yourself a concussion. I think Sebastian was going to cry while telling me! Don't do that to yourself kid! Your a dancer and an actress, so stop fighting the ground with your head! Get well soon kid.

prattprattpratt: I chris Pratt, declare you, Y/N Evans, an idiot. But seriously, take it easy, rest up, and stop headbutting the ground.

jenniferaniston: Take it easy for a bit, and thank you Liam, make sure she rests.

Jimmyfallon: Seriously? You were dancing on our show not too long ago and you've landed yourself a concussion? I'll talk to your manager to have you on the show again when your better. I need to know this story.

twiddleston: I'll be there in the morning. Rest till I get there.

SamuelLJackson: Your left for 10 minutes...

Username: I've gotta say, I'm impressed with the dances. Did you see the one with Liam and Jake? H.O.T

Username: Get well soon Y/N!

Username: Omg so many comments!
Username: There's over 7 Million.

Username: Heard RDJ posted on his social media's about her concussion.

Username: Hopefully this doesn't effect her career.

Username: Anyone else notice how pale she is?

Username: HOLD UP! They're in the same BED!
Username: Y/N's below the covers and Liam is on top. Plus don't do that. They're still kids.

Y/N and Liam were playing a bit of chess since they had nothing else to do, however when Y/N suddenly stopped, Liam grew concerned.

"You alright?" Liam asked.
"What were we doing again?" She asked.
"We were playing chess. Are you alright Y/N?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine... Just forgot, sorry." She smiled.
"Right." He nodded, concerned but knowing it's probably fine.

Soon Chris and Sebastian walked in with food for the two. "Any issues?" Chris asked after kissing Y/N's cheek.

"She keeps forgetting randomly." Liam stated.
"I noticed that too..." Chris sighed, looking over at Sebastian who nodded and walked out to get a doctor.

The doctor came in and asked for Liam to leave the room. Sebastian went with him, mainly because he could see the boy's panic.

"Hey Y/N." The doctor smiled.
"Hey." She smiled.
"Can you tell me you're name?" She asked.
"Y/N Evans." She told her.
"Age?" She asked.
"Twelve." Y/N spoke.
"Alright, what happened to you?" The doctor asked.
"I F... Sorry, what did you ask?" She questioned.
"Nothing, it's alright dear. Mr Evans, I would like to get Y/N an MRI to make sure this isn't perminant, however I do believe she might have a bit of memory loss. Of course it's not that bad, we just need to see how long it might last." She smiled.
"That's fine. Do what you gotta do." Chris sighed.

And therefore she was taken for an MRI, leaving the worried three men in the room. Liam, texting Jake of what was going on.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now