Interview with Anthony Mackie and Tom Holland

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Y/N was on set with quite a list of people.

- Robert Downey Jr
- Chris Evans
- Chris Hemsworth
- Mark Ruffalo
- Jeremy Renner
- Tom Holland
- Tom Hiddleston
- Anthony Mackie

There were others of course, however, these were the main actors of today. Not including her of course.

Y/N was sat on her chair on her five minute break, sipping her orange juice.

"Hello there kid." Anthony spoke, walking over.
"Hello Anthony. I saw what you thought of me." She smiled.
"Glad I didn't say anything stupid then." He laughed.

"Anthony! Y/N! Your both needed on set!" The Director yelled.

They both got in position, ready for it. Tom Holland was sat waiting where she was before, apparently he was on the next scene.

"Okay, ready you two? Let's try this in one go. Right. Three, Two, One and Action!" He yelled.

"So, you must be Barnes kid." Sam spoke, walking over.
"That's me. I'm Y/N." She smiled.
"Your not like that spiderboy are you?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked.
"Way too hyper." He stated.
"I guess not." She shrugged.

"And Cut!" A man yelled.
"Cut the check." Anthony smiled.

Anthony and Y/N had plenty of scenes together for over two weeks. However one evening, she got a email asking her to be in an interview with Anthony Mackie on a show. She instantly said yes and messaged Anthony to say she was going, he said he was also.

"Dad, I have an interview with Anthony on Tuesday." She told Chris.
"That's alright." Chris nodded.

It finally became Tuesday and she instantly got ready before the day. She curled her hair slightly and put on a dress she had been given. Despite having a 12 year old body, the dress fitted her curves perfectly fine.

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She walked downstairs finally pulling on her shoes

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She walked downstairs finally pulling on her shoes.
"Ah your ready." Chris smiled.
"Yep." Y/N Smiled.
"You look great kiddo." Sebastian told her, hugging her before going back to what he was doing.
"Is a car picking you up or do you need a lift?" Chris asked her.
"Oh, no a car is picking me up." She explained.
"I've told Anthony to keep an eye out for you, but please stay close with your assistants." Chris told her.
"Don't worry I will, I should get going." She said, kissing his cheek before kissing Sebastian's cheek too. She then walked out.

The car was sat ready, a man opening the door for her.
"Thanks." She smiled, getting in the car, careful to sort out her dress so it didn't get caught. The man closed the door and came to the front before he set off. She was on her phone, thankful for the pocket in her dress.

Around twenty minutes later, she looked out of the window and saw the place they would be at.
Anthony was heading inside. The car of course stopped and the door was opened before she got out. Her assistants seemed to be ready also. They rushed over and walked with her inside. They walked up some stairs before meeting up with Anthony and Tom Holland who seemed to be there too.

"Looking fancy kid." Anthony spoke, hugging her.
She hugged him back. "Gotta look good." She shrugged. "Tom." She smiled.
"Hey." Tom smiled.
"Don't corrupt the child." Anthony stated.

"We're almost ready for you." An assistant told them so they could start listening.

Jimmy Kimmel Live is what she was told the show was called. She honestly remembered being on the show when she was much younger.

"Right, today we have three guests for our little game. We have Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie and Y/N Evans!" Jimmy yelled. They walked in and sat down where they had been told to sit beforehand.

"Hello there you three, we best get talking on this little game." Jimmy smiled. "Now, for those who don't know you three, why don't you speak about yourselves, starting off with the oldest of course." He smirked.
"Now that was rude. Well I'm Anthony Mackie, I'm the Falcon." Anthony spoke.
"Hey, I'm Tom Holland, I play Spiderman, Peter Parker." He waved.
"Hello, I'm Y/N Evans, I play Bucky's d- Sister in marvel." She smiled.

"Right, so, Tom Holland, you started acting at the age of twelve, which is Y/N's current age." Jimmy spoke. "Anthony, you started acting around thirty three or thirty four" He spoke.
"That's about right." Anthony nodded.
"And Y/N, you started acting not even a day after being born." Jimmy smiled.
"That's also right." She smiled.

"So, we talk a lot about you lot however, we only know a few of your talents." Jimmy spoke to them. The croud cheered. "So, Anthony, do you have any talents?" He asked. Anthony just simply shrugged before shaking his head.
"Tom Holland, you got any hidden talents you want to share?" He asked.
"Got quite a few. Hairstyling, snowboarding, basketball, golf, lip syncing." Tom got interupted by a loud cheer. "Boxing, modling, diving, dancing, acting, voice acting, and quite a few other stuff." Tom spoke.
"He said hidden talents." Anthony smirked.
Y/N rolled her eyes at his childish behavour.
"Right, Y/N, how about some hidden talents you have?"
"I mean most of my talents have already been used in most shows. Im alright with singing, dancing, voice acting, acting, modling. Other than that, not much." She smiled.

"Do you think you could dance for us?" Jimmy asked.
"I dont exactly have a full on ruiteen to do, but sure." She spoke, standing up.

She went behind something before stepping out in a different outfit.

(The outfit won't be the same off of the video shown. Instead it's a sleeveless shirt and shorts. Bacicly so she could have worn it with the dress over it. She also has blonde hair so you have to change that to blonde and brown Not to mension you need to change where she is to a stage infront of Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie and Jimmy. Use your imagination.)

Time to Watch it at for the actual chapter (0:22 - 2:25)

She walked straight over to behind the screen before walking back out in her dress.

"That was amazing Y/N." Jimmy smiled.
"I've done a bit of dancing on Disney, but I guess that's my first time going full out." She smiled.
"You sure you didn't have that planned?" Jimmy asked.
"Nope, that was on the spot." She smiled.
"Are you sure? You had dance stuff on under." Anthony spoke.
"Gotta always be ready to dance." She smiled.
"Are you sure Gymnastics isn't one of your talents?" Jimmy asked.
"It's not exactly something I've done properly. That's just stuff I've done on shows and from learning." She smiled.

"Well thank you three for coming. Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland And Y/N Evans everyone!" Jimmy yelled causing a cheer.

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