Sebastian give's Y/N an idea.

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Sebastian and Y/N were on set one day and had been working since around 4am that morning, it was currently 9pm at night and they still had another scene to go.

"Hey! Y/N, come here a minute kid." Sebastian smiled.
"Ok." She nodded walking over.
"I have an idea, how about a quick prank on people?" Sebastian suggested.
"I'm in. What's the prank?" She asked.
"Fainting. I want to see everyone's reaction. Starting with Robert since I need to get to set." He said, holding up a phone and putting it in a spot, pressing record. "Good luck! The cast is next!" He told her, walking off.

She sighed, grabbing her phone before texting Robert.

Y/N : Robert, can you come to my trailer, alone? I'm fealing kind of sick.
Robert: On my way kid. Sit down and drink a bit of water.
Y/N: I don't think I'll be able to move anywhere right now.
Robert: Just stay where you are.

She threw her phone onto the sofa waiting for Robert to come, getting ready to act. She honestly wondered if she was good enough at acting to get away with pranking such a good actor.

She heard running before the door opened.

"Come on, you should sit down." Robert helping her move over to sit on the sofa. He crouched infront of her, looking at the girl.
"I'm fealing really dizzy..." She mumbled.
"It's late kid, you've been working all day. Your probably tired. What've you had to eat?" He asked. 
She let her head sway down slightly. "I.. I don't know..." She mumbled.
"Hey, stay awake for me kid, you need to tell me what you know." He told her. She stayed silent, looking at him. It was harder to make her eyes move around as if dazed, however she guessed she was doing well since Robert seemed to get even more worried. She finally let her body fall forwards and closing her eyes. Letting her breathing even out.

Robert instantly grabbed the girl, pulling her body over onto the sofa and laying her down.
"Shit! Shit! Shit! Chris is going to kill me." Robert cursed, rushing over to grab some water.

"Come on kid! Wake up. Don't do this." Robert spoke, patting her face. She decided to stop worrying him a bit, opening her eyes with a groan. "Hey... Come on, slowly drink some of this water." He told her, putting the bottle to her lips.

"For a good actor, you really can't tell when others are acting. Can you?" She laughed.
"You're acting?" He gasped.
"Yep." She said, getting up and grabbing Sebastian's phone, turning it off before grabbing her phone. "Should get to set." She smiled.
"You doing it on the cast too?" He asked.
"I am." She smirked.
"Then Chris?" He asked.
"I'll be doing that one in the car." She nodded.

She then headed off to the set, putting the phone ready and pressing record. She then walked over to where they were waiting.

"Y/N, ready for your running scene? This will be the last scene for today, Sebastian you can go if you need." The director smiled.

She realised it was the director and two cast members with camera's. The rest of the cast had gone home. She smiled at Sebastian, walking over to where she would be starting.

Sebastian left the set but remained outside to watch.

She began doing her scene's, however she finally looked at the time, 10pm. She sighed and got ready for her little 'act'. She stopped randomly during a scene, putting her hands on her knees, breathing heavily.

"Cut!" The director yelled. "Y/N, you doing alright kid?" The director asked. She let herself fall to the ground with a thump, smiling to herself.

"Y/N!" The director yelled. "One of you grab some water! NOW!" He yelled. She heard the running sounds before two hands grabbed her, turning her over before patting her face. "Y/N! Kid come on! Wake up kid." He told her.
"Boss, what are you gonna do with the water?" One of the cast asked.
"Hopefully I won't need to do anything with it until after she wakes." The director spoke. "Jesus crist... We should have let her leave earlier." The director swore. "She's bloody eleven and she's been working all day." She heard him sigh.

"Good thing it's a prank then, huh?" She asked, sitting up.
"Thank god kid." The director sighed. "But your going home kid. I'm sure you need some rest tonight, I don't want another episode of this, real or fake." He told her. She turned off Sebastians phone, giving him the phone on the way. She then put her phone in her pocket, of course no one would be able to see, however they would hear."

She smiled, nodding before heading out to the parking lot. She saw Chris waiting in the car, on his phone. She put on an act before getting into the car, drousily doing her seatbelt.

"How was it kid?" Chris asked.
"Exhausting." She sighed.
"You've been working all day, it's no surprise." He smiled to her.
"You fealing alright though kid?" He asked.
"Kinda dizzy... Should be fine in a bit though." She smiled at him.
Chris instantly looked at her. "Dizzy?" He asked. She nodded. He quickly grabbed a water bottle from a box in the back before handing it to her. "Drink it, bit by bit." He told her. "Let's get you home and rested." He told her, setting off with the car, taking glances at her.

Deciding that it would be too unsafe to faint in the car, she just kept up the act and would do it at home. When they finally arrived, Chris was quick to get out and run around to her, opening the door for her.

"Still Dizzy?" He asked.
"Mhm..." She nodded.
He put a hand around her waist and helping her walk inside the house. Not wanting to worry Chris, but also wanting to see what he would do, she waited till they got in the house. Chris was walking her to her room when she found it to be the perfect time. She let herself drop.

"Y/N!" Chris shouted, lowering her gently to the ground. "Y/N, come on kid, don't do this to me again." He begged, patting her face. She opened her eyes. "Hey kiddo, how're you fealing?" He mumbled gently, helping her sit up slowly.

"Would you be mad if I told you this was a prank?" She asked.
"I wouldn't kid." He sighed. "But I am no longer trusting you to walk around on your own tonight." He said, picking her up bridal style before walking to her room, laying her down on her bed. He then closed the curtains, giving her more water and a small bag of gummy bears. (If you don't like them, or you can't eat them, just pick a sugary item. If you don't like sweet stuff, you're gonna have to because it's for blood pressure.)

"Right, eat some of that." He told her.
Y/N nodded, eating some of the sweet item and a bit of water.
"Right, I want you to go to sleep kiddo." He told her. She instantly nodded, laying down and sighing. Chris really did worry. She let herself go to sleep.

Chris kissed the girls forehead before leaving the room, closing the door slightly.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon