Premiere and Set

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Y/N was getting ready a day after the whole "Chris you now have full guardianship over Y/N" situation

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Y/N was getting ready a day after the whole "Chris you now have full guardianship over Y/N" situation. Surprisingly, she had gotten use to calling Chris 'dad' and was quite happy to do so. Today however was the premiere of her new show she was voice acting in.

The main character, who Y/N plays is called Abby. Abby is a selfish sort of girl who has attitude with nearly everyone, however she meets a few friends who bacicly bring the best out of her, especially when they get told that she isn't as bratty as they think and in fact, live in an unhappy household. Her outfit showed that in her opinion. The black dress with a white under. The white showing the innocence of her mind inside, but the black shows the lack of innocence shown.

Either way, she walked out of her room to the kitchen. Chris, depsite not being in the movie, would be dropping her off so he wasn't in anything fancy. He threw her a sort of chocolate breakfast bar before rushing her out to the car. She got in the back due to the fact Chris wouldn't want to be seen by the press in a lack of a decent outfit.

"You ready for this kiddo?" Chris asked.
"I am... Bit nervous." She added.
"You'll be fine, as long as you don't fall flat on your face. Oh look, you can see everyone." Chris said as he waited for the cars to move as people got out to the press. Y/N noticed them as other cast members.

She heard talking from someone working on the news.
"And the next actor has arrived! It seems now we're only waiting for Miss Y/N Evans!" The woman spoke. They finally pulled up.

"See you soon dad." She smiled before the door was opened, she moved, getting herself out of the car as the man who opened the door, closed it again. She waved and smiled at the press as Chris drove off.

"And it seems the main character of this movie has arrived! Miss Y/N Evans!" The news reporter shouted.

"Y/N! Over here please!" A reporter spoke. She smiled, walking over, letting people take photo's of her as she stood there. "Can you tell us about your outfit?" She asked.
"Well it represents my character. The innocence under me and the not so much of innocence over me." She stated.

She moved on, stopping for a few pictures as she went. However she was pulled back into a convocation again.

"So, the news is going crazy about the whole situation with your actual parents and Chris Evans, they went to court to see who got guardianship over you, didn't they?" A man asked.
"They did." She stated.
"So, Chris won, are you glad?" He asked.
"I'm really happy. Dad's the best." She smiled, before walking off again, not wanting to continue the convocation about her parents, knowing there would be more of it soon today.

She continued getting her photo taken before they made their way to where they would watch the movie. She found the movie to be amazing and she acctuly enjoyed it.

They headed out after the movie and had more photo's.

"Miss Evans, your father's here." An assistant told her.
"Thanks." She smiled, walking to the car, waving at the paparazzi before getting into the front of the car.

"Hey." She smiled.
"How was it?" Chris asked.
"Surprisingly pretty good. What're we doing now?" She asked.
"Heading to set, but we aren't acctuly needed for around 4 more hours." Chris told her.
"Okay." She nodded.

They got to set and they went to their trailer. She looked at the timetable and realised both her and Chris weren't needed much today. She had a scene in less than 10 minutes so she was getting ready and then Chris was needed in 3 hours. She gave Chris a hug before going to set. It was a quick scene of bacicly her and Bucky hugging at night. She then returned to the trailer, seeing Chris laid on the sofa, on his phone. She instantly removed he r shoes before walking over and laying on the sofa also, cuddling against his side. Instantly, Chris put an arm over her, patting her head gently.

"Long day kiddo?" Chris mumbled to her.
"Mhm." She confirmed. She ended up falling asleep quite quickly.

When Y/N woke again, she was being carried and it seemed to be dark out too. She looked up and saw it was Chris carrying her. He was about to put her in the backseat so she'd be comfortable to sleep, however, noticing she was now awake, he put her down in the front seat before doing her seatbelt for her.
Chris then got into the car before setting off.

"Done on set?" She wondered.
"I am, you must have been tired, you've slept through around four hours." Chris explained.
"Okay." She nodded.
"Going to order pizza tonight, we can watch some movies before going to sleep then." Chris explained to her.
"Alrighty." She smiled.

Y/N, knowing she would be in the car for a while, grabbed out her phone and took a photo of Chris. Smirking as he didn't notice.


Y/Nofficial: He doesn't have any idea that I took this. We've finished at set and the whole movie premiere finished earlier. I had a lot of fun honestly. Just tired.

scottevans: He better be focusing on the road, kid. I give you full permission for you to slap him if he even looks at something other than the car.

Username: Anyone else questioning why Chris looks decent in any angle?

Username: I saw the Movie today! It was amazing!

Username: Did you lot see the news? People are talking about the whole family issues with Y/N. Apparently her real parents and Chris ended up fighting for guardianship over her. Apparently her parents have been arrested again! Can you believe it?
Username: We shouldn't be talking about this. Remember, this is probably traumatic for Y/N and the fact people are talking about it, she's probably getting more upset.

Y/N smiled at all of the comments as her fans seemed really caring about the whole situation. She put her phone away. They soon pulled into the driveway so as soon as the car stopped at the house, she got herself out. Walking with Chris into the house.

That evening they ordered Pizza before cuddling up on the sofa and watching a few movies. They saw the time was rather late, and therefore Chris smiled, getting up.

"Right, off to bed. I'll be there in five minutes." Chris explained. She nodded, going to the bathroom to quickly brush her teath before going to her bedroom and changing into her Pj's before getting into bed.

Only then, Chris walked into the room.
"Ready for bed then?" He asked. She nodded. Chris walked over to the large windows before pulling the curtains over them. He then walked over to her, tucking her in before kissing her on the forehead.

"Goodnight kid." Chris told her.
"Night dad." She smiled.
Chris nodded at her, walking to the door and turning off the light, closing the door slightly, a bit of a gap that was clear to be open. Chris then went to his own room to sleep.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now