Back to Set Finally

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(Thanks for the patience, I'm back for NOW. I'm currently writing this chapter with a fever, a bad throat and dizzy spells so just deal with any mistakes I make involving grammer.)

When Y/N woke, she got herself changed before heading downstairs to the kitchen. When she got there, Chris smiled to her before rushing to her side and pulling her into a hug.

"Ready to get back to set?" Chris asked, letting her sit down before handing her a plate of waffles, whipped cream and a bit of nutella.
"Mhm... I can't wait to get back there." She smiled.
"Good, well Sebastian's getting ready, I think you'll need to get ready when we're there." He smiled.

They soon headed off and got to set where she was welcomed back before her nails were redone, her makeup was sorted and then her hair was dealt with.
Y/N then headed off towards set where she was instantly picked up into a hug by Anthony Mackie.

After he let her down, she instantly moved away from him slightly. Of course, when she did, she looked to his face and smiled. After Anthony seeing that, he nodded and headed off.

Y/N then headed over to Walker to speak with him before she would be forced to act.

In matters of seconds, she was in position ready to act.

"Ready? Three two one, ACTION!" The man yelled.

"Y/N." Walker spoke, walking over to her.
"Walker." She nodded. "What happened during the last mission?" She asked.
"Quite a lot I'm afraid." Walker told her.
"I'm sick of this happening." She sighed.
"Here... Come here." Walker sighed, opening his arms for her to come and hug her.
She nodded and hugged him, leaning her face on his chest. However as she began crying. The cast nodded, ending the scene.

"Good Y/N! Crying, really brings out the character." The director spoke. "Walker, go help Y/N clean herself up, you two are done for today anyways." He smiled.

Walker nodded, wrapping a hand around her shoulder before walking her out of the set. Talking with her gently as they walked to Walkers trailer. Mainly since Walker knew what to do there and Robert was close by just in case.

He got inside and helped her sit down before grabbing her a glass of water and handing it to her, kissing her forehead before grabbing a cloth to wipe her tears.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now