Premiere 2/2

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After the movie, Ryan walked Walker and Y/N out of the room.

"Walker, you were acctuly in the movie? How come I never saw you on set." Y/N spoke to him, ignoring Ryan all together.
"Oh I was, I just had weird times to be on set." Walker explained, also ignoring Ryan. "Need some help?" He asked as they were walking down the stairs. Putting his hand up for her.
"Oh sure, thanks." Y/N smiled, taking his hand.
"Awh aren't you two cutie pies." Ryan said behind them, also making sure Y/N didn't trip over her dress.
"Not fucking now." Walker sassed.
"Language." Ryan gasped.
"You swear all the time! Why are you telling me language?" Walker asked.
"Focus on Y/N, I don't want her to fall." Ryan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, Yeah, I know." Walker said, finally helping her down the last step.

"Well you two, you up for Minervas Restaurant?" Ryan asked.
"In these outfits?" Y/N asked, motioning to the dressed up trio.
"Duh! Gotta be glam for the best resteraunt in all times." Ryan rolled his eyes.
"Pizza sounds fine, so yeah, Minervas Restaurant sounds perfectly fine." Ryan shrugged.
"I'm not from here, but I guess it sounds good." Y/N shrugged.

They all got in the car after Ryan discussed it with Walkers parents. They then went straight to Minervas Restarant.

(Just a heads up that I've never heard of Minervas Restarant, but yeah, it's Ryan's favourite Restarant so yeah, it'll have to do)

"So, kid's, what do you fancy?" Ryan asked, holding up a menu.
"******* Pizza." Both Walker and Y/N said at the same time before laughing together. (Just put in whatever pizza you love the most, and if you don't like Pizza, just pretend.)

"Wow, you two are definatly compatible." Ryan shrugged before ordering two pizzas. One that was Y/N's and Walkers favourite and then one that Ryan loved. Ryan would be able to manage a full pizza himslef however the two children would probably struggle with one to share.

They sat for a while, talking and eating. At the end of the night, Ryan dropped of Walker home and then went home with Y/N. She packed up before getting into bed to upload a few pictures of her, walker and Ryan to instagram.


Y/Nofficial: It was fun today at the Premiere, met Walker which was amazing. We went to some place called Minervas Restarant which was apparently some pizza place. A lot of fun.

walker.scobell: It was great meeting you Y/N, I hope we can talk again soon, even if it's over Instagram or normal messages. Either way, still hope we can see each other again. But I also live near by where you live, so maybe I'll come to your place some time!

Chrisevans: Glad to see your making friends that aren't all about dancing and musicals. I'll see you tommorow when your plane arrives.

Imsebastianstan: See you in the morning kid! Me and Chris can't phone you tonight, but I'm sure we will talk enough when you get back. Especially due to the fact you've met another kiddo.

RobertDowneyJr: Congrats on the new movie kiddo! I just watched it. Incredible. AND LANGUAGE! Since your dad didn't say it.

Username: Language!

Username: Wonder if Walker and Y/N's gonna be a ship... Wonder what the ship name would be.
Username: *********

(You gotta make your own ship name since you all have different names)

Username: I saw it today! She swore so much!

Username: Did you all see the clips of Walker acting like an actual gentlemen around Y/N? He helped her down the stairs with her dress and then held her hand to the movie!

Username: I kinda wanna see them dance together.
Username: I don't think Walker dances.

Username: Liam and the other dude are probably in their rooms trying not to go crazy over this ship.

Username: They would be adorable together.

Username: I think they'll both be in the next Avengers movie, think about it, when Y/N leaves at the end of the movie, Walker follows on top of the roof above her.
Username: Imagine spoiling the ending of the movie. IMAGINE

Username: I heard Y/N and Ryan live pretty close to each other, and since he's an actor, perhaps Sebastian and Chris will let him come and see her more than the other two boys she knows?

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now