Going home

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It was concluded that Y/N would be fine, however for atleast a week, would randomly forget what she was doing. She was sent home early the next day. Chris and Sebastian called their friends to ensure that they didn't come if they had no reason to. Chris Hemsworth made a small apearance and said hello, followed by Tom Hiddleston and RDJ. Scott came and he was in the guest room for a bit, he would be staying for the week to help out. Liam was taken home by Sebastian. But as for now, only the family were aloud to see the girl till she was in a state that wouldn't be too hard to deal with mentally.

"Morning Y/N, how's your head fealing?" Chris asked, walking over to his daughter who was layed in bed.
"Good, doesn't hurt today." She smiled.
"Well you'll be glad to know, you're premiere date came out." Chris told her.
"When is it?" She asked.
"Tommorow." He sighed.
"Am I aloud to go?" She asked.
"If you think your able to." He told her.

She got up and walked over to her wardrove, going through her dresses before smiling at one.

"Perfect." She smiled. "But what about these stitches?" She asked, motioning to her head.
"People already know about your concussion, they won't mind." He smiled.
"Right." She nodded.
"Want anything while I'm downstairs?" He asked.
"Nope, I'm good." She smiled, watching him nod and leave.

Y/N then began going over her outfit. Planning it for the day after.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now