Walker and Y/N

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Walker and Y/N began walking off towards Walkers new trailer.

"So, how's life been?" Walker asked.
"It's been fine. How's your life been?" She asked Walker.
"Busy but yeah, pretty decent." Walker told her, opening the door for her. "Ladies first." He spoke.
"Aren't you a sweetheart." She smiled to him, stepping inside. He followed after her.

"KIDS KEEP THE DOOR OPEN!" They heard Robert from his trailer which was litrely around 15 feet away from Walkers.
"Protective much." Walker laughed, throwing a juice box to her.
"Mind if I get water instead?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah sure." He nodded, handing her a bottle of water before sitting down with his own juice box.

They sat talking for ten minutes before Walker seemed to get an idea.
"How about we watch a movie?" Walker suggested.
"Sure, what movie?" Y/N asked him.
"Hmmm... How about that new Disney musical that came out less than a year ago?" He suggested.
"Maybe a different movie." She laughed gently.
"How come?" Walker asked.
"Because I hated watching myself act in that movie." She laughed.
"You star in it?" Walker asked.
"Yep. Let's just say the rumours have only just fallen down." She laughed.
"Wait, is that from when you had a concussion?" Walker asked.
"You know about that?" She asked.
"Of course I do, it was a world wide thing. Everyone knew about it. Those boy's should have looked after you better." He explained.

Walker just turned on Aladin before looking back at her. He then moved her hair up a little.
"See, you can even see the scar." He told her.
"I thought my makeup artist covered it." She mumbled, ignoring that Walker's finger traced her scar.
"If you've had a concussion once, you've got more of a chance of another, how come you keep doing stunts?" He asked.
"Well, kids our age don't usually get stunt doubles, because we can heal easier. I guess that's why." She shrugged.
"Well the directors should understand it's dangerous. You were in the hopsital last time, right?" He asked.
"Yep, followed with memory loss." She laughed gently.
"You ever broken a bone?" He asked.
"I cant remember most of those thing's, Walker. But I'm pretty sure I did break a few bones when I was younger." She explained.
"Not all your memory is back?" Walker questioned.
"Most of it is, not all of it though." She sighed.
"Do your parents know?" He asked.
"Nope. They won't know either." She told him before they focused on the movie.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now