Chris's Birthday

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It was the night before Chris's birthday when Chris was out at a meeting, leaving Scott with Y/N.

"So kid, now you're dad's gone, what should we do?" Scott asked.
"We need to make a cake." She stated.
"Ah for your fathers birthday I presume?" He asked.
"Yep!" She smiled.
"Let's get baking then!" Scott smiled going to the kitchen with her, knowing he'd get plenty of pictures from this.

As she baked the cake from scratch, Scott took plenty of pictures for Chris while letting her bake.
After she baked the cake, she had to wait for the cake to cool so she made a book of pictures of Chris and her so far. Then came decorating the cake.

Scott looked over to the cake as she made a proud sound

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Scott looked over to the cake as she made a proud sound. He looked at it and began laughing.

"Seriously kid." Scott laughed.
She smiled, putting the cake in the fridge with a tub of sorts over it so Chris wouldn't touch it.
They ordered take out so Chris had no reason to go in the fridge. It helped that Scott was staying the night so they didn't need to worry too much of the situation.

Chris got home and they had their take out before everyone found themselves going to bed. Both Scott and Y/N woke rather early to make breakfast. It was pancakes and cream before they saw Chris walk in.

"Happy Birthday dad!" She smiled, running over and hugging him.
"Thanks munchkin, what're you two doing awake so early?" Chris asked.
"Y/N wanted to make you breakfast for your birthday." Scott told him.
"Awh thanks Y/N." Chris smiled, kissing her forehead. "Why don't we eat then." He smiled.
"Ok! Then you can have your presents!" Y/N smiled.

They all sat down and ate their pancakes. When they finished, Scott took the plates and forks and went to wash them as Y/N ran off to grab the different presents. Handing them to Chris.

"You guys shouldn't have." Chris sighed.
"I know that, but Y/N was adament." Scott laughed.

Chris nodded, opening the first one.
In it was a hoodie with a picture on the front with Y/N and Chris. It was a picture of when they were both asleep cuddling from a while ago.

"Let me guess, from you?" Chris asked Scott who nodded. "I love it." He simply said. He moved to the next ones which were from the set, all random bacicly.

He then got to the last gift, the ones from Y/N. Chris opened it. Inside was the book, a card and a sort of charm.
He read the card, smiling, before checking out the book. Inside, tons of pictures of her and Chris. Including baby pictures of her. He however picked the charm up and looked at it.

"It's so you know I'm always gonna be your little girl." Y/N smiled. Chris instantly hugged her.

"Y/N, why don't we get your dad's cake set?" Scott asked.
"You made me a cake too?" Chris asked, laughing.
"Don't start laughing yet." Scott told him as Y/N got the captain America cake out of the fridge. Chris instantly burst out laughing, smiling. Scott got the cake knife, cutting it into slices since he didn't want Y/N getting hurt.

Chris took a mouthful of the cake and instantly moaned in delight.

"This is amazing, who made it?" Chris asked.
"Your daughter did. All on her own." Scott told him, which was true.
Chris smiled at her, pulling her to him, in a tight hug.

For the day, they had a few face times while Scott uploaded around 5 pictures Instagram.

1. Y/N mixing the cake mix.
2. Y/N holding up the cake with a smile.
3. Y/N and Chris when Chris kissed her forehead.
4. Chris's reaction to the cake. (Laughing)
5. Chris wearing the hoodie with him and Y/N on.


Scottevans: Look at these two! Chris had a great birthday from what I can tell. He's got a wonderful daughter now who loved making him birthday breakfast and birthday cake!

RobertDowneyJr: That's adorable. You can definatly see the difference between Chris then and now that he has a daughter.

Username: Look at the hoodie!

Username: Oh god I can't stop laughing, Y/N made a bloody Captain America cake for his birthday! That's adorable and funny!

Username: Anyone else see the cake mix blob on her nose?

Username: Pov, Scott being the fun uncle.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now