Set With Tom Holland

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"Hey Y/N, I just realised something, you're only on the gag reel once when you pranked the team." Tom stated while they were waiting to start.
"Well, I have no reason to. I'm good at my job." She stated, rolling her eyes at the man.
"I just got offended." Tom pouted.
"By a 12 year old girl, beat that!" Someone yelled from the other side of the room.
"We need to get on with the action, Y/N has to be at another set in 3 hours." Y/N's assistant stated.
"Ok get the wires on me." Y/N stated.

She stood as she was attatched to wires before being pulled up in the air and then upside down.

"I might need a bucket after this." She stated.
"Oh right, yeah I'm getting one." Her assistant stated, running off.

"Right! Three two one, Action!" The man yelled at the side for the begining of it.

"Oh, sorry Y/N, I didn't realise it was you." Peter spoke.
"It's good, mind if you get me down?" She asked.
"Yeah uh, yeah sure." He mumbled, grabbing a bottle before helping her down to her feet.

They finished the scene before Y/N was handed a water bottle and told she could go. She waved and left so she could get to the next set.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now