Quitting a Role

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Y/N was sat in her 'dressing room' which was bacicly just a vanity. A changing room. A bathroom. A small sitting room and then a small kitchen.

Either way, she was sat on her sofa, bored until her phone began ringing. She instantly picked it up.

"Hey there." Y/N spoke.
"Hey Y/N, I was going to your trailer like four minutes ago, but I can't find you." Chris's voice came through the phone.
"Oh, I've been invited to another set, so I'm there at the moment. I'll make sure to have someone drop me off at home when I'm done here." She explained.
"Right. See you then." Chris spoke before hanging up.

Throughout the rest of the day, Y/N spent her time acting with other people she didn't even know. Something she had realised was none of them were known or famous.

Due to this, as well as the fact the horror movie being rather suspicious, she left a note late that evening saying she was no longer going to be acting in it. Her manager would have to deal with it despite her not wanting to be in it.

After that, she got a lift home. She instantly headed inside and up to bed since she couldn't hear her dad's.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now