Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan

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After the Police left for the night, Ryan helped Y/N to the kitchen where he grabbed out an ice pack for her, handing it to her. He then made a bowl of cereal for her, handing it to her.

"I'm not hungry..." Y/N mumbled.
"Y/N. You've gotta eat something." Ryan spoke. Of course however, his children were upstairs and hadn't been informed she was there due to her current condition.
"But Ryan, I'm not hungry." She explained.
"Four spoon fulls please. Atleast." He told her.
"But if I'm not hungry, then why should I?" She asked.
"Do I need to force feed you, Y/N?" Ryan asked.
"No..." She sighed before eating a few spoon fills.

Y/N went to the sofa to sleep a minute later. Ryan got Y/N's phone and logged into her Instagram. First deleting anything that didn't seem like Y/N before changing her password. He wrote it down for her before putting her phone beside her.

It was around midnight when there was a knock at the door. Ryan instantly ran to the door, opening it.

It was Chris and Sebastian who instantly were guided to where their daughter was asleep on the sofa.

"Y/N, love, it's time to wake up kiddo." Chris spoke, pushing her hair out of her face.
"Dad..." She mumbled as soon as her eyes opened. After finally realising what she said and saw, she jumped up and hugged him.

"The cast and us missed you, Y/N." Sebastian smiled, hugging her after she was able to.
Y/N just stayed in Sebastian's arms as he sat down.

Then however there was another knock at the door.
"I've got it." Ryan said, rushing to the door.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now