Y/N Sick

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Y/N was on set a week later, she was however bored since she was getting her hair and makeup done. It was waterproof and she realised that instantly.

When she got to the set, it was a normal outside screen. It was apparently going to be a full scene of just Y/N outside, running and panicing in the rain, training. The scene lasted a full day and by the end, she was soaked through the full day. When they finally finished, she was rushed away from the scene where she was able to dry up somewhat. Sadly, unable to dry her hair properly.

When she got home, she changed into her pajama's and instantly went to bed.

The next morning, Y/N woke up however was quick to notice her eyes felt heavy. She looked over at the time and noticed she was already late up she however felt her eyes close again before nothing.

"Y/N's late up." Chris stated, checking the time again.
"She's probably just had a long night." Sebastian stated.
"For all the time she's been in my home, she's never been late up." Chris stated.
"I can check on her if you want." Sebastian sighed.
"Please." Chris told him.

Sebastian walked up to the girls bedroom, opening the door and seeing that she was still laid asleep. However something that worried him was she looked like she was in pain.

He walked over to her instantly.

"Y/N, love, are you alright?" He asked, whispering to her. She opened her eyes and he instantly noticed her eyes looked slightly dazed. "Y/N?" He asked. However, seeing as her eyes closed, he instantly worried, instantly putting his hand on her forehead. Fealing heat radiating off of her he instantly ran to the steps.

"CHRIS!" He yelled.
"What is it?" He asked, going to the steps.
"She's got a bloody fever!" He yelled. Chris instantly ran up the stairs, Bucky hot on his heals. They both rushed to the room and Chris was quick to grab a thermometor. (A temperature is meant to be 36.3 celcius in the morning, however as it beeped, he realised it was currently 38.4 celcius which was most definatly a fever.

"Right, we need to get this fever down." Chris stated, grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom quickly.
"How do you know how to deal with this?" Sebastian asked.
"She's had a fever before." Chris stated, putting the cloth on her forehead. "She passed out last time though." He added.
"Oh yeah I heard about that, thought it was just you're way of announcing to the world you adopted her." He shrugged. Chris sighed, ignoring him as he got on the circle bed with his daughter.

"Y/N love." Chris spoke, grabbing a bottle of water from Sebastian.
"Dad..." She mumbled.
"Small sips of the water Y/N." Chris told her, helping her lean back for water. "Wanna cuddle to your papa so I can go and make you some food?" He asked.
"Not hungry..." She mumbled but cuddled to Sebastian anyways.
"I'll make you some anyways."  Chris spoke leaving the room as well as putting a water bucket on her bedside table.

Sebastian sat holding the towel to her forehead however reminded himself that she was meant to be on set today.
He instantly grabbed Y/N's phone and called her manager.

"Y/N? Where are you? You're late." She spoke.
"It's not Y/N, it's me, Sebastian Stan." She stated.
"Mr Stan, where is Y/N?" Her manager asked.
"She's currently sick, she's laid unconcious with a fever. She can't get in today." Sebastian stated.
"Alright. I'll inform the producers." She spoke.
"Thanks." Sebastian sighed.

Sebastian went back to holding the girl and keeping the towel on her forehead.

For over the full day, Sebastian and Chris ran around to ensure Y/N's fever was going down and not up. It was three days later when she finally felt better to the point she was moving around and back at Set.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now