Panel's and Information

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When Y/N woke up in the morning, she was quick to get herself changed for the day.

She smiled, pulling on a pair of flats with it

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She smiled, pulling on a pair of flats with it. She then walked out of her room, checking her phone for any new information.

"Morning kiddo, we have to hurry and get to the panel." Chris said, handing her a breakfast bar.
"Who's joining us there?" She asked.
"Sebastian, Tom Holland, Robert and us." Chris explained as they got in the car.
She began eating her breakfast bar as they drove.

"Wanting an ice coffee while we're near Starbucks?" Chris asked.
"Mhm, thanks dad." She smiled.
"No problem kiddo." He smiled at her, pulling into the Starbucks drive through and getting an ice coffee for her. They then finally got to the panel around three minutes later. They walked in and headed inside to join the others.

(Never been to a panel so I don't understand it too well)

"Okay, on todays panel, the celebrities of the new Marvel Movie. Tom Holland!" A man shouted.
Tom waved as he walked to his seat.
"Robert Downey Jr!" The man added.
Robert walked out and sat down at his seat.
"Chris Evans!" The man shouted.
Chris walked out smiling. She only then realised the seating plan.

Tom started to the right side, the very end. Robert did the same but on the left side's end. Then Chris walked to the side of Tom. So she guessed she'd be next to either Robert or in the middle of everyone, next to Chris.

"Sebastian Stan!" The man spoke. He went next to Robert so she knew she was next to Chris and Sebastian.
"And last but definatly not least, our new Marvel Celebrity, Y/N Evans!" She sighed, walking out to her seat, putting her ice coffee close to her feet.

The man began going over the rules to the people before he smiled, alowing everything to start.

"Hey! I'm Annabella, my question is for Y/N." A young girl spoke. "My question is, how is it having Chris Evans as your father? How is your life living with him?" The girl asked.
"I love living with Dad, he's definatly more of a father than my actual one. I've found that living with him is really fun, even if we're working most of the time. We've always got time for a small hug, or like Chris likes doing, tucking me into bed." She explained.

"Ok, I'm Jackie, and my question is for Chris. My question is how has your life changed since you've adopted Y/N?" They asked.
"Why do I have a fealing most of these will be about me and Y/N? Anyways, my life has changed a lot. Now I have to wake up at a certain time so that I don't get pranked by her. Not to mension the worry that comes with being a father. I mean mostly everyone knows about the day Y/N got sick and ended up passing out. Heck she wasn't even calling me dad yet and it fealt like I was going to have a heart attack." Chris laughed.

"Hi! I'm Isa, my question is for Tom Holland." She spoke. Y/N found herself standing up before walking behind Tom, ready to cover his mouth if he was going to blab anything. "Ok so my question is, you're like an older brother for Y/N in the movie, will there be possible fights with you and Bucky Barnes to see who get's to be the main brother figure." Isa spoke.
"I can quite simply say, that I love being a possible brother figure for Y/N, however from what I heard about the next movie-" Tom went to explain the next movie, however was interupted by Y/N's hand over his mouth.
"I'm pretty sure if we ever had to fight to be Y/N's brother, I'd win." Sebastian laughed.

The panel continued for over two hours, Y/N constantly shutting Tom up before he said things and also answering questions. In her opinion, it was quite fun. They got out of the panel when her phone began ringing, which she was quick to answer.

"Y/N speaking." Y/N spoke, confused as to who had called.
"Hey Y/N, it's me." Y/N's manager spoke.
"Oh hey, what's up?" She wondered.
"Hey, we can't discuss everything over call, therefore, would it be alright for you to come down to the studio for a meeting?" MThe Manager asked.
"I can sure, I'll be there soon." She spoke.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.
"I'm needed at the studio for a meeting." She explained.
"Let's get going then." Chris smiled, letting them get in the car to head off.

They got to the studio rather quickly before making their way inside. Chris waited outside as she went into the meeting.

"And, and there you are kiddo." Annie spoke. Annie was one of the managers who looked after her most of her life.
"Annie, nice to see you again. Now, mind explaining?" She asked.
"Well, your character is going to be kidnapped in the new movie. The movie has been decided and is going to be named, '"The Winter Soldiers Sister.' Although, as said on the phone, your character has to go through some stuff, which includes HYDRA." Annie explained.
"So your letting my character be kidnapped?" She asked.
"Not to mension, your being put in an army camp for a week." Annie told her.
"Wait, an Army camp? Why?" She asked.
"So you know how to act during the Hydra scenes." Annie explained.
"Fine, when do I go?" She asked.
"In two days." Annie explained.
"Right, I expect a car will come to get me?" She asked.
"They will." Annie nodded before she walked out.

"What can you tell me?" Chris asked.
"I'm being sent to an army camp for a week before we start acting, apparently it will help with my character." Y/N sighed.
"You sure you want to go?" Chris asked.
"It'll be good training." She smiled.
"How long until your off?" Chris asked her.
"Two days, I should buy some clothes for it though." She explained.
"We can go shopping now, come on kid." Chris spoke before they both headed off.

They got to the shops where she found quite a lot of outfits that she could easily move around in.

That evening however when she was in her bedroom, she realised Chris had posted on instagram. The picture was bacicly just the view of the outside from his room, however then there was the writing.


chrisevans: Y/N's going off for a week soon for a new movie she's taking part in, kind of worried the poor girls going to keep overworking herself.

Scottevans: She'll be fine, from what I heard they'll be easy on her.

Username: Wonder where she's going.

Username: Chances we'll hear about this on the news?

She shrugged it off before going to sleep.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now