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As Chris was talking outside of the room, both Sebastian and Y/N got up and headed out to see what was going on. However when they got in there, they saw the Police.

"What's going on?" Sebastian asked.
"They're here about Y/N's biological parents." Chris explained.
"What do they want now?" Y/N asked.
"Your parents want guardianship back over you." The Police explained.
"Why would they want Y/N back, they didn't want her while they were abusing her." Sebastian spoke up.
"We don't know, Mr Stan, however, the true reason we're here is because her parents wish to bring you all to court. Here's the letter, you will need to attend. They are, afterall her biological parents. Being famous won't change that. I'm sorry." He explained. He then handed Chris the letter.

"Thanks." Chris sighed, looking down at the letter.
"I'm sorry that all of this has happened." The police spoke before walking off.

Chris closed the door before turning to Sebastian and Y/N.
"When's the court day?" Sebastian asked.
"Tommorow." Chris sighed.
"Come on then Y/N love, let's get you into bed." Sebastian told her.
"I'm going to have to go tommorow... Aren't I?" She asked, tears already dripping down her cheek.
"You are kiddo... Just like last time. Me and your papa will fight for you though." Chris said, pulling her into a hug.

As said, the two men took her to bed before tucking her in. They then however left her on her phone for a bit, hoping she might feal better after talking to someone.

Walker: Hey Y/N, I heard what had happened during your interview. I am so sorry.

Y/N: Yeah... I didn't expect that today.

Walker: Did anything happen after or was that it?

Y/N: Well, police came to the house saying we had to go to court. They want guardianship over me.

Walker: Fuck, and do you have to go? You shouldn't have to go through that again.

Y/N: I mean it's been nearly a full year since Dad took me in and adopted me. Perhaps it's time to get a restriction from them.

Walker: What if your dad can't win this?

Y/N: Well I'm hoping he will be able to.

Walker: Right. Stay safe. Get some sleep.

Y/N: Night Walker.

Walker: Night.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now