Another Idea

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When Y/N had gotten home with her dad's. They instantly stopped her from going up to her room.
"Uhm, Y/N, you got a message." Chris spoke, handing over the phone to her.
"Hm... What about." Y/N mumbled, opening her phone to check her message. It was from her boss, inviting her to do a season of a film for Netflix.

"It's another musical, Y/N. But the amount of time you wouldn't be in the country, that's the issue." Sebastian explained.
"Is it worth it?" Y/N questioned.
"It would be, but it means you'd have to stop going to school again." Chris told her.
"What about Walker? Would I not be able to see him either?" Y/N questioned.
"You wouldn't." Sebastian shook his head.
"This is in Canada. Would I be staying with Ryan again?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, that'll be your only option." Chris told her.
"Right, I'll get myself packed and get in touch with my manager and then Ryan." She sighed, walking upstairs.

"I really don't think we should let her do this..." Sebastian told Chris as he went to grab the phone to phone the school.
"It's her desision, Sebastian. She's already ahead of her class. I'm sure home schooling wont effect anything for a year." He explained before walking off to make the call.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora