Robert Babysitting Y/N

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When Y/N woke up, she went looking for a hug. She found Robert Downey Jr in the kitchen putting toast on plates with Nutella.

"Morning." She mumbled, walking straight over.
"Morning kiddo." Robert smiled.
"Hug?" She asked.
"Come on then kid." He sighed, opening his arms so she could hug him. She did so instantly. "Sebastian told me about your nightmare. How're you fealing?" Robert asked.
"I'm fine..." She mumbled.
"Eat your toast and how about we watch a movie?" Robert asked.
"Okay." She nodded.

They watched a movie for the next few hours before Sebastian and Chris got home. Robert went to speak to them a bit before apparently leaving.

"Y/N we got pizza on the way home, come and eat." Chris told her.
"Okay! Coming dad!" She shouted back.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now