Dance Practice

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(Okay for this one there is a boy involved that will pay a part in most of the whole thing now.)

(The dance is for the upcoming movie she's playing in which is a young romance with Y/N and a young boy who's older than her slightly but still. The dance is done by them in the movie along with sang by them both.)

Y/N got to the set and was instantly told to get ready to practice her dances. She got there in time to see Liam ready to dance. She smiled and got ready.

Watching Points: 0:18 - 3:08

"Amazing, Y/N and Liam, we should be good for when we get to recording that scene, your chemistry is amazing." The director told them.
"Mind if we practice our other duet, Y/N?" Liam asked her.
"Sure." She nodded.

They both got ready for the next dance. Meaning a quick change in Y/N's outfit so it would make sense to the story line.

(Imagine the dance is done by two 12/13 year olds not their age shown)

Time to Watch it : 0:12  -  3:12

"Why is it that I'm always ending up on the floor?" Y/N comlained, letting Liam pull her up.
"God knows, but I don't mind it." Liam smirked at her, hugging her.

"Right Liam, Y/N, we're done for today. Y/N, you have another voice acting session, you can change and then get to it." The director explained.
"Mind if I stay and watch? I wanna learn from such an amazing actress." Liam spoke.
"Sure Liam, if Y/N feals comfortable with you watching." The director spoke before walking away.
"So what do you say, Miss Barnes?" He asked, looking over to her.
"Wrong storyline, Liam." She smiled, laughing. "But sure, you can watch. This is your first movie right?" She asked, removing the hoodie she was wearing which was infact Liams. She offered it back.
"Keep it, a gift. And yeah, first movie." He nodded. "Been doing dance since I was young though." He explained, watching as she put the hoodie away in her bag.
"We should get to the studio." She smiled, pulling on her shoes and walking out with him.

That night, Liam walked her to the car that would be taking her home.

"It was fun talking to you again, Y/N." He smiled to her.
"It was fun talking to you too, Liam." She smiled, waving to him before getting in the car.

Y/N got into the house, wearing Liam's hoodie due to the coldness of the wintery night.

"I'm back!" She yelled, putting her bags down and walking to the kitchen where Sebastian was making dinner.

"Woah woah woah!" Chris stated, waving his hand towards his daughter.
"What's wrong dad?" She asked.
"That's not your hoodie kiddo, Infact it's not even a females hoodie." Sebastian stated, plating the food.
"Oh yeah, it's Liams. He's working with me on the new movie." She shrugged.
"The Romance Musical?" Sebastian asked.
"Hold up, Romance?" Chris asked.
"You didn't tell him?" Sebastian asked.
"Nope." She shook her head.
"Y/N you're 12!" Chris stated.
"I'm my own person dad, of course I know I'm 12." She rolled her eyes.
"Watch your attitude young lady, why didn't you tell me that it was a romance movie?" He asked.
"I didn't tell you because I knew this was going to happen." She stated.
"I need to know these things! I wouldn't have let you do this movie if you told me." He explained.
"Another reason that I wasn't going to tell you." She rolled her eyes at her fathers anger.
"But you'll tell Sebastian. Y/N I thought we were past this!" Chris shouted at the girl.
"Well I thought we were past you being overprotective!" She told him.

Chris instantly shot her a glare.
"Go to your room." He stated.
"What..." She asked, mumbling slightly.
"Go to your room, you're grounded." He stated.
"Dad you can't do that." She spoke, her voice raising slightly.
"Yes I can, I'm you're dad. Now listen to me. Go. To. You're. Room." He told her.
"Chris." Sebastian spoke up.
"She's my daughter Sebastian. Don't." He stated.
"Fine. It's not like your my real dad anyways." She stated, running up to her room before slamming the door shut and locking it.

Chris Evens Adopted Daughter Y/NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang