Acting Day!

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"LET GO! GET OFF" Y/N yelled, crying as she tried to get out of Steve's grips.
"Shh... Y/N your fine..." Steve mumbled, hugging the girl.
"But...but big brothers gone..." She cried, still trying to get out of his grip.
"Shh..." Steve sighed, holding her tight against him.
For five minutes they recorded her trying to get out of his grips, crying heavily before she dropped to her knees, head falling down and forwards.
"H-Hey! Kid!" Steve stuttered.

"And Cut! Perfect you two!" The Director shouted. "An hour break till we need you again!" He shouted.
Chris instantly wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"Come on, you have an hour to get some of your school work done." Chris smiled, taking her hand, taking her to the trailer.

For the hour, Y/N did her work. Most of her homework were quick since she knew most of it from her education when she was younger. Unlike other kids, when she was on set young, she delt with harder work, despite being young. She finished her full lot of work in that hour.

"Come on Y/N, your needed." Steve spoke, walking into the trailer. She nodded, following after him.

When they got to the set a pair of pajama's were thrown at her.
"I- Am I taking a nap?" She asked.
"Indeed, get changed, oh and take your hair down." The director told her. She nodded, going to change. She then took down her braids before walking into the set, a bed sat in the middle of the room. The makeup artist ran over and messed up her hair. She was then told to get into bed and get ready for the next scene. Chris was waiting to knock on the fake door as she got into the bed, getting herself as comfortable as possible.

Steve knocked on the door before opening it, walking inside and over to the bed.
"Y/N, it's time to wake up and eat something..." Steve told her.
She opened her eyes and looked at him. "My Brother... He's not back yet, is he?" She asked, moving herself to face away from Steve.
"Listen to me, Y/N, I care about your brother just as much as you. He was my best friend, I'm upset he's gone too. But maybe, just maybe, he'll return to us." Steve told her.
"You say Maybe... Maybe he'll return. Meaning he may not. You know he wont return... Don't you?" She asked.
"Y/N, I can't promise he will return and I can't promise he wont." Steve explained.
"He better..." She mumbled, curling up on herself, causing a look of sorrow on Steve's face. Despite it not being in the script, Steve kissed her forehead before leaving as planned.

"Cut! Well done Chris! Adding a kiss to the forehead added in the best idea! Now, Y/N, stay where you are, we need to get ready for the next part." The director informed. She nodded, staying down.

Steve walked over to her and handed a small chocolate bar to her.
"Oo! Thanks!" She smiled, opening it and putting a small bit in her mouth, she grabbed another.
"Say ah." She spoke.
"Ah?" Steve spoke. She instantly put a bit of chocolate in his mouth. He swallowed it, sighing. "You know, I have no regrets adopting you, kid." He smiled.
"I don't regret saying yes." She smiled.
Suddenly Tom Holland walked in. "Okayyyy- So uh, where am I stood before the scene?" Tom asked. She saw that he was wearing his spiderman suit.
"Outside that window, just stand on the floor behind it." The Director spoke. "Chris, you need to get off the scene." He spoke.
"See you after this bit." Chris said, kissing her forehead before leaving the scene.

"Are you two ready?" The Director asked.
"Yep!" Y/N and Tom spoke.
"And Action!" THe director yelled.

Peter climbed in through the window before looking over at Y/N.
"Y/N, why are you still in bed?" He asked.
"Leave me alone..." She grumbled.
"Why? I don't want you to leave you- Frick, sorry." Tom sighed, groaning as he messed up the lines.
"Try it again!" The director yelled.

Peter climbed in through the window before looking over at Y/N.
"Y/N, why are you still in bed?" Peter asked.
"Leave me alone..." She grumbled.
"Why? If you're upset I don't want to leave you here." Peter stated.
"I said leave me alone!" She yelled at him, sitting up to face him.
"Y/N, calm down... You've been crying." He stated, walking over, wiping under her eyes.
"Bucky's gone... Hydra's got him..." She sighed, looking down.
"Listen to me, Y/N, you're brother will be fine. Cap will make sure of it." He spoke, helping her lay back down before tucking her in. "Just rest, Y/N, someone will come up and check on you soon." He spoke, leaving through her bedroom door.

Suddenly the doors of the bedroom opened and Robert Downey Jr walked in, shades and all.

"Morning kiddo, fealing any better?" Tony asked.
"I'm fine... Can you just leave me alone... I just wanna see James..." She mumbled.
"Very well..." Tony nodded, leaving.

"Well done you lot, and you Y/N, well done. Your acting is perfect for this. Right, we're going to skip to the scene of James Barnes return, Chris! I want you to show your true father in this scene!" The director spoke as they moved to another set, which she sat on a sofa after changing. She sat as the makeup artists ran around her, making her look more dehydrated.

"God for once I wish that makeup didn't look so realistic..." Chris mumbled to Sebastian.
"Your father side is showing." Sebastian told him.
"I know, but look at how sick she looks." Chris complained.
They soon got ready for the scene.

Y/N walked into the sitting room, acting exhausted. However as she looked up she saw her brother.

"Big Brother..." She mumbled.
"Hey Y/N..." He mumbled, smiling, seeing his little sister.
She instantly shot up and ran over, jumping into a hug. They hugged for a bit till Tony spoke.

"Kid, we need to get him checked up for injuries, Steve will look after you." Tony said before leading Bucky away.

"Thank you so much." She smiled.
"For?" Steve asked.
"Finding my brother." She stated.
"It wasn't only me. We all kne how important his return was. We're just glad that you're happy." Steve said. However he sighed, taking her hand and making her sit down before rushing around to grab food and water, giving it to her before wrapping a blanket around her, not part of the skript but they went on with it.

"Steve?" She wondered.
"Just eat and drink up, you look like your death could come at any point." He stated. She smiled, going to fake eat as they yelled cut.

She put the food and water down as the Makeup artests ran over, sorting her out by removing the makeup.

"Done for today?" She asked.
"You are, Chris, you're done for today also. With Y/N being perfect on her scenes, I think we'll be done with all this by next week." The Director smiled.

Chris and her instantly went to their trailer, packed up before heading home.

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