Chapter 47

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Duke: You are teasing me TAT

Duke was the first to arrive at Li Zhou's house. When Duke arrived, Xavier and Brian were sitting in the living room talking, while Li Zhou was in the kitchen with two household machines. prepare food.

Duke rushed towards Brian as soon as he entered the door. When he was about to hug Brian, he suddenly braked because he remembered Brian's habit of disliking bugs near him.


It's Brian! It was Brian who caught him, Duke was overjoyed, hugged Brian, rubbed Brian's ear like he did when he was a child, and said happily: "You are finally willing to come back, I thought you really wanted to We are no longer in contact with each other."

Brian patted Duke on the back: "It's not that I don't want to come back, it's just that I need time to figure out some issues."

"Then do you understand?"

Brian nodded and said softly: "I want to understand, you are right, I agree with Xavier's plan, and will do my best to support you."

"It's great!" Duke jumped up happily, looking at Brian and Xieville who were also smiling, he couldn't help but stretched out his hands to move Brian and Xie Will hugged at the same time, and the big rock in his heart that was afraid of Brian's temporary change of mind finally fell to the ground.

Actually, he knew that Brian would do what he said, but when Brian didn't come back, he was still in the dark. So when he learned the news that Brian had arrived, he dropped the experiment, drove the aircraft and ran to Li Zhou's house, for fear that Brian would disappear a second later.

Li Zhou in the kitchen looked at the three worms hugging each other, and also showed a relieved smile, Xavier looked up at him, with a smile that could not be erased in his eyes Feeling grateful and grateful, he silently said "thank you" to him.

Li Zhou understands that Xavier is thanking himself for being a breakthrough for Brian to come back, but he does not feel that he is the hero who brought Brian back. What really made Brian decide to come back is They grew up with Brian.

From the short conversation in the morning, he could see that Brian attaches great importance to the younger brothers who grew up together, so that they can even show his "poisonous fangs" directly to him, showing his most masculine hard side.

He felt that Brian was extremely disgusted with males, not necessarily because of his own experience, but more because he was afraid that Xavier and the others would repeat his mistakes and become victims of power and system.

So Brian would rather use the quickest method to destroy the source of all the worms that can hurt him - the male worm.

Actually, Brian may not be clear that what Shevell is doing is right. Although it may take several generations of insects to accumulate to be successful, as long as the plan is successful, it will benefit all future generations.

So Brian was entangled, extreme and even troubled Xavier, but in the end he chose to give up his ideas and leave the deserted star.

Shewell also understood, felt distressed, and even knew that the real reason Brian became extreme was that he didn't want them to be hurt.

That's why he didn't dare to contact Brian after Brian left, because he felt ashamed of Brian and had no face to face Brian who was thinking of them wholeheartedly.

In Li Zhou's opinion, Brian is not as loving as Shevell, and even a little selfish, but it is Brian's temperament that protects his shortcomings that makes him more respectful, he also protects his shortcomings, and he feels that this There's nothing wrong with this quality.

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