Chapter 141

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Mystery Mail

Family portrait, family portrait belonging only to Cheville

After hanging up the communication, Archie sneered twice, his good eldest brother was still as arrogant as ever, and was brought into the trap by himself in a few words.

Of course, I can't blame him, after all, my own clumsiness for so many years is still useful, and what he said is not all made up, but it is not that he wants to do it, but Clyde wants to do it. Do.

To be honest, he was shocked by Clyde's idea at the time, after all, this one was bad, and Amos escaped, with the ability and prestige of Amos and Xavier, Coupled with the troublesome princes, it is easy to overthrow the current dynasty.

He couldn't think of why his shrewd and good brother would do this!

Do you want to take a video to threaten Amos?

It should be, after all, he had worked so hard to find a female prostitute who looked like Xavier, and wanted to frame Xavier, but in the end he failed to do so, but instead shot himself in the foot .

However, his good brother underestimated Amos too much, and Amos, who had already been calculated once, was very vigilant, and Clyde had no way to start.

So, he took the second place, let himself restrain Amos as the hero, and pulled Amos away from the army little by little.

He will bring Shevil, who is not yet an adult, to the battlefield, and experience him, so that he can be on his own as soon as possible, and let the female army surrender.

His good brother's plan to take control of the military failed, so he had been dormant for many years, just to wait for Xavier to be 66 years old, so that he could force a marriage.

Clyde's plan failed again, he wanted to divide Xavier and his hero, but the hero named Li Zhou didn't eat his trick at all, but used Clyde to get it Quite a few good things that are good for Seville.

Thinking of Clyde's stinking face when he knew the truth, he still wants to laugh now.

However, when it comes to Li Zhou's words, Archie admits that he has also misunderstood.

Thinking of the recent interstellar training exercise, Archie squinted his eyes, and always felt that something was wrong.

He thought of Quincy, not just Quincy. All his daughters and sons learned from their teachers a method of controlling mental violence called Gongfa.

But the set of exercises about Professor Li Zhou that is circulating on the Interstellar Internet is not the same, Xiongzi can also practice.

The most important thing is that he asked his subordinates, and his subordinates said that Professor Li Zhou's exercises looked roughly the same as what they were practicing now, but they were completely different in nature.

One is too explosive to damage the body, and the other is very soft and strong. They tried it secretly, and Li Zhou's exercises were not only gentle, but the effect was more than twice that of their current exercises.

They have become accustomed to the explosion of the previous exercise, and the meridians are more or less damaged, but after practicing this exercise, the originally damaged meridians began to recover slowly.

Although it is very slow, it is really recovering, and they think that this method can also be practiced by males.

After all, there are already male sons following the practice on the interstellar network, so far there is no abnormality.

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