Jihyo - Goodbyes

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Part two of "Bestfriends".

Requested by:daino101

Female reader


I really should stop avoiding her.

I've been avoiding her for a month.

She tried to talk to me.

I turned her down.

Her members tried to convince me.

I ignored them.

"Please, talk to me" Jihyo pleaded "I'm busy creating the choreography for the next comeback" I said and went out of their practice room.

She followed me "Stop doing this" She said and I faced her.

"Do what?" I asked "Avoiding me" She said "I am not" I said.

"You think I'm stupid to not notice?" She asked "I don't want to talk about this nonsense" I said and was about to leave but she grabbed my wrist.


I looked down "It's for the better" I said "What about your tweet?" She asked.

"At the end of the day, I'll still love you and we'll remain bestfriends" She said.

"Do I need to break up with him?" She asked and I shook my head "No" I said.

"What do I need to do?" She asked tearing up.

"You don't have to do anything" I said "Just give me time to forget my feelings about you" I added and left.


I went back in our practice room.

"What's with the shouting?" Nayeon unnie asked "I don't want to talk about it" I said and they nodded.

Our manager went in "JYP-nim is calling you" He said "All of us?" We asked and he nodded.

We went to the conference room and saw Y/N with JYP-nim.

"Have a seat" JYP-nim said and we did.

"We need to find a new choreographer as soon as possible" He said "What about Y/N?" I asked.

"She'll be resigning" He said "She'll move abroad" He added.

I looked at her "You're leaving me again?" I asked "Unnie-" The maknaes tried to stop me.

"You think leaving will solve this?" I asked but she wasn't answering "Jihyo, that's enough" JYP-nim said.

I looked down as tears escaping my eyes because of anger and sadness.

"We're here to have a meeting and not to cry" JYP-nim said and I wiped my tears.

"Y/N, you should pack your things* He said and she nodded.

She left the room "I don't want that to happen again, that's unprofessional" He said and I apologized.


I packed my things and I'm glad that it's not that much for me to carry.

"Can you please talk to me before you leave?" Jihyo said and I faced her.

Her eyes are still puffy and pink from crying earlier.

"Sure" I said and followed her.

We went to a private place to talk.

"Do you really have to leave?" She asked and I nodded.

"You said you'll never leave me again but look" She said and I looked down.

"I'm sorry" I apologized "I know you're hurting because of my relationship with Daniel" She said.

"Yes, I am and that's why I'll distance myself from you for a while and when I come back, all my love is gone" I said and smiled.

"I'll miss you" She said "How long will I have to wait for my bestfriend to come back?" She asked.

"I'll surprise you" I said "What if it takes years?" She asked "It just means that I loved you too much to let my feelings fade" I said and she cried.

"I'm scared that I won't ever see you again" She said "How about you take ring of mine and I want you to wear it all the time" I said and hand her my ring.

"I'll come back no matter what" I said "You have the ring which I value the most so I'll surely come back" I said and we giggled.

She wore it "When will you leave?" She asked "Tonight" I said "That fast?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'll come with you at the airport" She said and I shook my head.

"People there will surely recognize you" I said and she pouted.

"This is goodbye?" She asked and I shook my head "There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart and I'll always support you" I said and smiled.

"One last hug before you go?" She asked and I nodded.

I opened my arms and welcomed her to my embrace "I'll miss you so much" She said "Won't you say goodbye to the girls?" She asked "I already did" I said and she nodded.

"Wipe your tears and never cry because of me, I will comeback" I said and pinched her cheeks.

"I'll get going now and keep the ring, okay?" I said and she nodded "Of course, I will" She said and smiled.

My update schedule is messed up because schoolworks are just too stressful to handle.

Honestly, I'd rather do updates than study.

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